With Blackbeard getting his hands on a significant bargaining chip, which is Garp-san, he can practically demand a lot from the government now. The situation is similar to Kaido's, who had the government eating out of his hand to the extent that Orochi's demands included sending Vegapunk to Wano to work under Kaido's command for the WSC.
The thing is, we are focusing too much on Luffy vs. Imu-sama, but I believe that the one currently more connected to taking down Imu-sama is Blackbeard. Notice that one of his ships is in Egg Island, so Blackbeard might acquire his final fruit and find a way to defeat the immortal Imu-sama. Blackbeard doesn't necessarily need to succeed in piracy and become the Pirate King; he could take a different path and become the King of the World. In the end, we might have the Pirate King versus the King of the World, with Blackbeard and Luffy facing each other at the top.
That being said, what do you think is the power level of Imu-sama?
Do you think Imu-sama is conveying that feeling of being an overpowering villain?
@comrade @nik87 @Hanzo hattori @MonsterKaido @Red Admiral @Erkan12 @Tejas @Veku
The thing is, we are focusing too much on Luffy vs. Imu-sama, but I believe that the one currently more connected to taking down Imu-sama is Blackbeard. Notice that one of his ships is in Egg Island, so Blackbeard might acquire his final fruit and find a way to defeat the immortal Imu-sama. Blackbeard doesn't necessarily need to succeed in piracy and become the Pirate King; he could take a different path and become the King of the World. In the end, we might have the Pirate King versus the King of the World, with Blackbeard and Luffy facing each other at the top.
That being said, what do you think is the power level of Imu-sama?
- Peak Peak Top Tier (Kaidou)
- Peak Top Tier (Roger/Primebeard)
- High Top Tier (Shanks)
- Mid Top Tier (Greenbull/Fujitora)
Do you think Imu-sama is conveying that feeling of being an overpowering villain?
@comrade @nik87 @Hanzo hattori @MonsterKaido @Red Admiral @Erkan12 @Tejas @Veku