
This year we had rains in summers... Not once or twice but many days...

Right now monsoon is going on - no rain in past one month.

Last winter - we actually felt cold only for few weeks...it was so hot.

But winters before it ..it was cold.

This Irregularity isn't natural.
here we have rains pretty much all year and its obviously more frequent in summer due to more humidity in the air
Do share from where you learnt CC isn't real...

I will wait for your source which is so advanced that it proves work of multiple scientists across the globe wrong...
It is real, but there are multiple causes.

Take a look at changes in Earth's rotational pole;


Excessive pumping of groundwater has also contributed to this issue;


There is some truth to what people are saying, like keeping the under developed countries where they are by not allowing them to use conventional energy sources.
The focus is entirely on CO2 but it is not the only Major cause of CC.

I dont know, I would like to ask a scientist's take on this;

Location of Earth's equator is not fixed, it is changing;

The precise location of the equator is not truly fixed; the true equatorial plane is perpendicular to the Earth's rotation axis, which drifts about 9 metres (30 ft) during a year.

Geological samples show that the equator significantly changed positions between 48 and 12 million years ago, as sediment deposited by ocean thermal currents at the equator shifted. The deposits by thermal currents are determined by the axis of the Earth, which determines solar coverage of the Earth's surface. Changes in the Earth's axis can also be observed in the geographic layout of volcanic island chains, which are created by shifting hot spots under the Earth's crust as the axis and crust move.[5] This is consistent with the Indian tectonic plate colliding with the Eurasian tectonic plate, which is causing the Himalayan uplift.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equ...show that the,coverage of the Earth's surface.

It is real, but there are multiple causes.

Take a look at changes in Earth's rotational pole;


Excessive pumping of groundwater has also contributed to this issue;


There is some truth to what people are saying, like keeping the under developed countries where they are by not allowing them to use conventional energy sources.
The focus is entirely on CO2 but it is not the only Major cause of CC.

I dont know, I would like to ask a scientist's take on this;

Location of Earth's equator is not fixed, it is changing;

The precise location of the equator is not truly fixed; the true equatorial plane is perpendicular to the Earth's rotation axis, which drifts about 9 metres (30 ft) during a year.

Geological samples show that the equator significantly changed positions between 48 and 12 million years ago, as sediment deposited by ocean thermal currents at the equator shifted. The deposits by thermal currents are determined by the axis of the Earth, which determines solar coverage of the Earth's surface. Changes in the Earth's axis can also be observed in the geographic layout of volcanic island chains, which are created by shifting hot spots under the Earth's crust as the axis and crust move.[5] This is consistent with the Indian tectonic plate colliding with the Eurasian tectonic plate, which is causing the Himalayan uplift.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equator#:~:text=Geological samples show that the,coverage of the Earth's surface.
just research about the entire amazon rain forest deal and see how they are using this as pretext to rob Brazil and Colombia from their lands.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One

It is real, but there are multiple causes.

Take a look at changes in Earth's rotational pole;


Excessive pumping of groundwater has also contributed to this issue;


There is some truth to what people are saying, like keeping the under developed countries where they are by not allowing them to use conventional energy sources.
The focus is entirely on CO2 but it is not the only Major cause of CC.

I dont know, I would like to ask a scientist's take on this;

Location of Earth's equator is not fixed, it is changing;

The precise location of the equator is not truly fixed; the true equatorial plane is perpendicular to the Earth's rotation axis, which drifts about 9 metres (30 ft) during a year.

Geological samples show that the equator significantly changed positions between 48 and 12 million years ago, as sediment deposited by ocean thermal currents at the equator shifted. The deposits by thermal currents are determined by the axis of the Earth, which determines solar coverage of the Earth's surface. Changes in the Earth's axis can also be observed in the geographic layout of volcanic island chains, which are created by shifting hot spots under the Earth's crust as the axis and crust move.[5] This is consistent with the Indian tectonic plate colliding with the Eurasian tectonic plate, which is causing the Himalayan uplift.

https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Equator#:~:text=Geological samples show that the,coverage of the Earth's surface.
I know there are multiple causes...

No one said humans alone are responsible.

That's why we say..

CC happens both naturally and man-made....humans in past few decades accelerated its pace
Billionaires and businessmen are taking advantage of everything they can use from rumours to real threats.
Not surprising.
CC is a problem, but the ones taking advantage of this issue are bigger threat.
You guys talk about billionaires taking advantage of this while ignoring big oil funneling billions of dollars all around the globe to prevent governments from taking any real action against fossil fuels and transforming the global power grid into a greener more sustainable one.