Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1091 Spoilers Discussion

Do you agree with Rayleigh scaling?

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That's my line of thoughts with Kizaru.
If there was anything bad we'd get "LLLLLLadmirals" leaks
I know there a lot of braindead people, but now having L is really difficult for everybody.

Kizaru is fighting the legendary joy boy reborn, the being who has beaten Kaido, the strongest of the world; and Luffy, well, he is fighting Kizaru.
Something really outlandish has to happen for the "L". Surely not being hit or coughing some blood.

I mean:

And this was base Luffy (not G5, base) with a way inferior CoC compared to what he has now (sky-splitting vs. clumsy, as Kaido said).

I know that someone will still tell that, but would be more clown than usual.
Lol it’s probably going to happen if they really have drawn out fights this arc because Kizaru is definetly about to test Luffy. But that doesn’t necessarily make Zoro weak it just shows that Luffy is on a different level and Zoro fans have unrealistic expectations from him.

Rob Lucci is somewhere in commander territory and if he pushes Zoro he is at least YC1. That means Lucci is strong and Zoro just has not reached admiral level yet which is fine and to be expected.
I don't think expecting Zoro to put at least a mid diff against Luffy was unrealistic lmao, especially given how Oda gassed up Zoro in rooftop showing the gap wasn't big. Even most non Zoro fans had him somewhere around that gap relative to Luffy.

If Lucci pushes Zoro to high diff, Luffy quite honestly is capable of low diffing Zoro if he uses advanced conqueror's haki
because strength isnt always about variety
the only reason luffy had a chance with him was the power he packed in gear 4 and that was enough to bridge the gap . King's durability is broken in a sense that it closes the gap between him and much better fighters.

Thats my personal opinion anyway. you are free to disagree.
Durability doesn't define PL if all you can do is tank and do nothing much offensively against skilled/powerful fighters

With this you could claim serpahims and King are above Top tiers or equal tonthem since they're Durability is so broken

Same way AP won't matter if you can't land attacks or canr hurt someone

PL is defined by how well you fight even when someone has the tools to beat or hurt you
Katakuri and Kaido proved it even when Luffy got the tools, they didn't get stomped
King on the other hand was beaten easily when Zoro found out his secret
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