Do you like the Live Action Adaption?

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So the Fighting in the live action.......they might need God to do the CGI for Luffy tbh cause idk his fighting style in the live action feels a little weird and awkward some times, its hit or miss for the most part (mostly miss). Zoro and Sanji are perfect , although one thing I will say with Sanji if your gonna have him chain attacks like he does in the anime, you'll have to make the kicks a lot faster then that, Im guessing slow motion is to show the weight of the kicks but in this case the only kick that needs weight is the final kick.

The calling out fighting moves thing........ Ummmmm they should probably just abandon that altogether or safe it for the last move or something,You do that and the fights in the live action improve dramatically, tone and everything.
While I didn’t like LA Arlong at first, I absolutely loved him by the end. The actor did a great job and I loved his theme as well.

Im glad they took the makeup route rather than make the fishmen CGI monsters.

I really hope they do something similar with chopper if this gets a season 2. Making Chopper a CGI creature would be absolutely horrid imo. Like, Chopper has a “human” form, I feel like you could just keep him in heavy point and that would be fine.
Emily Rudd as Nami is the most perfect casting since RDJ as Iron Man. There, I said it.

It almost makes up for the awful casting of Benn Beckman lol.

This show is surprisingly excellent, generally really good casting and the fights are decently choreographed too. I also appreciate the details - right down to Shanks' crew playing Bink's Sake on their ship.