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Attempting to argue now that "Luffy taking some damage" proves your point is straw manning, a last ditch attempt.

I have no ego in this discussion, I agreed that Doflamingo is at most a YC3 (and implied he's below that), so kindly stop projecting your insecurities onto me.
Have i to post the dialogue again 🤭
Crazy how Snakeman Luffy without Haoshoku is already considered a tough fight for Kizaru... Would it be tough for Kaido? I believe not, as without Haoshoku, he couldn't even harm Kaido. That's the difference between Kaido and Kizaru, which is why Kaido is considered the toughest in the world.
To all the idiots who slandered the man Oda called WSC, WSP and 1v1 King.... :saden:
You guys do realize that Ryou Luffy was bleeding Kaido pretty easily?

And it's not like Kizaru is going all out at all
Alright guys, no trolling. I feel like I should substantiate the predictions I made about Kizaru not going down this arc.

A lot of people said Kizaru or Saturn need to be defeated because this would qualify as the “shocking event” that has been foreshadowed. I have been saying that there is a zero percent chance that neither Luffy nor Kizaru being defeated would qualify as an appropriately shocking event at this point in the plot, but that I had no idea what the actual shocking event would be.

Well, look at this chapter. Nika is now awakening Ancient Kingdom technology with its gay-ass heartbeat or whatever. I think the reveal that Luffy’s fruit is now directly connected to the resurrection of the Ancient Kingdom is Oda setting up the real shocking event of this arc, not some fairy ass battle result but something actually truly shocking that no one expected like the resurrection of aspects of the Ancient Kingdom all around the world or something that actually connects to the overarching plot and isn’t just a versus battle.

@SakazOuki @MarineHQ @Kurozumi Wiwi @The White Crane @Wuuuke @silverfire @scoobie3 @AkainuTheGrimReaper @Apollo @Admiral Mou Bu @ZenZu @Extravlad @kurwa @haxxor @EmperorKinyagi @Blackbeard @Owl Ki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Sentinel @Playa4321 @Veku @ConquistadoR @comrade @Nidai_Kitetsu
I hope you're right. Wizaru is too stronk for Goofy. Papalino is simply built different. :myman:
He only needed it because Kizaru ran away and wanted to prevent VegaPunk from being killed. How bad is your reading comprehension?
He was going to use G5 no matter what .
It shonen law that you going to use your new power up vs high tiers during fights .
Plus Oda love G5 he would not miss out on a chance to draw it .
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