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Haki isn't the only thing that constitutes "skill". Marco was nowhere near WB when Kizaru's light beams were almost reaching WB, but he came in just in time intercepted the attack, and stopped it. You need crazy speed and equally crazy reactions to move that fast. Marco doesn't have solid flames, they normally let the light pass through them, but he blocked Kizaru without letting a single beam reach Kizaru. Blocking light with flames is the mother of all skills.

Mastering DF tasks skills in the event that you're not aware. It's generally even harder to use a completely defense-centric fruit like Marco's for offense, which he does very efficiently. Granted Marco's fruit doesn't help a lot in stalling people, but you don't hold off top tiers and more than one YC-level character just by being able to regenerate. You'd get swatted around like a fly if you're not able to fight back.

Also, people need to stop their obsession with the term "advanced". There are enough people without advanced abilities that can fight on par with if not better than the so-called advanced ability users.
This is so based.

You can have all advanced forms haki but if your opponent is 1000x faster than you, you have no time to protect yourself.
I blame DC for their destruction of physics that have destroyed these young children's minds. To think that reaction speed made of the nervous system can somehow react to to light when it only has the speed of a weak electrical system.
don't believe in Zenkai boosts, sorry for you if you need that to boost Kizaru.
Just spouting nonsense now ? Not really sure gow Zenkai boosts even have anything do to with this when I've with no word once claimed responding to you that Kizaru or Luffy got a Zenkai boost.

It's all still up in the air because the raws arent out.
If Luffy isn't using CoC there, then good lucking convincing anyone that he's levels above Rooftop Luffy.
I don't need to convince anyone to overwrite their cope arguments. When they want to cope they will believe what they want. You're stripping Luffy off his ability because it hurts your cute little Haki > Everything agenda, that's the entire truth here.

Oda has already proven an Admirals ability to take aCoC attacks, there is no need to strip Luffy of off that.

That Yonkou Luffy is now equal to Rooftop Luffy is just the final confirmation we needed that rn you're on copies overdose.
The main point you're trying to get across is that a non-aCoC user cannot compete against an aCoC user hence the user who has it has to be stripped off his ability to use it.

Oda has literally drawn Kuzan who can't use aCoC as far as I'm aware equal aCoC user Garp in an equal clash and have the durability to take those attacks twice.

Why would Oda strip Luffy off that power when he himself establishes that Kizaru's equal could tank it ?

Also, Garp touched Kuzan twice using aCoC for those saying barrier isn't used. Luffy needed the barrier to break through Kaido's scales.
Luffy did not need the not touching to break Kaido's scales .
He was it doing for a lot of the fight with out even using .
Truth that no touch shit we going to see when Oda need to pull BS like the end kaido fight where it to hot for luffy to touch or he can touch some other attack etc etc .
Wtf you on about? Look up the Lorenz factor. The higher the speed the higher the relativistic mass ...

It makes an awful lot of sense that Kizaru put some distance in first and then accelerated towards Luffy to build up momentum
Dude, if he's already made of light and traveling at the speed of light then it wouldn't matter how far away he accelerated from bc his speed would be the same regardless :kaidowhat:
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