People still talking about "Sasaki sees King as rival..."
Just accept it that King isn't hyped, he lacks any individual hype and portrayal above Queen and Top 2 flyers.
He is just like Marco, lacking individual hype, at least Oda made Marco leader of WBP and has better fruit.
I won't be shocked if Kyoushiro has CoC.
Prime Hyou is inbetweener/low top. Denjiro is High/top high tier, above Doffy and Co. He migjt even be above King.
He is around Cracker/Smoothie...
Kyoushiro strength is respected by anyone in Wano... That's Katakuri level of Hype whrn everyone respect your strength even enemies.
Low top : Luffy
Inbetweener: Kidd
Top high tiers : Denjiro Marco
High high tiers : Law Jinbei Ashura Dukes
Mid high tiers : Zoro Killer Sanji Kawa
*Zoro might be up*
Just accept it that King isn't hyped, he lacks any individual hype and portrayal above Queen and Top 2 flyers.
He is just like Marco, lacking individual hype, at least Oda made Marco leader of WBP and has better fruit.
I won't be shocked if Kyoushiro has CoC.
Prime Hyou is inbetweener/low top. Denjiro is High/top high tier, above Doffy and Co. He migjt even be above King.
He is around Cracker/Smoothie...
Kyoushiro strength is respected by anyone in Wano... That's Katakuri level of Hype whrn everyone respect your strength even enemies.
Low top : Luffy
Inbetweener: Kidd
Top high tiers : Denjiro Marco
High high tiers : Law Jinbei Ashura Dukes
Mid high tiers : Zoro Killer Sanji Kawa
*Zoro might be up*
And who zoro fights? a f6?