Also concerning this message

No, a premonition :)
Meaning that in a few years you will understand everything I say here.
There is no arrogance. I genuingly think that in a few years, people here will understand my takes.
The reason is simple, I was like you guys a few years ago, centrist denying systemic racism, speaking about racism against white, speaking about SJW woke and all those stuff.
But I was interested in science and social scepticism. And this lead me naturally over the years to understand stuff about such topics as feminism, antiracism, gender etc.

The reason I think you guys will also learn this naturally over the years is because I saw how you guys are loving searching for sources and truth. So when I say "in a few years you will understand everything I say here" I'm actually giving a compliment. As not everyone will be able to do this naturally in a span of just a year or two.

I'm talking about the so called "centrists" here, not people like Nameless.
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I refuse to educate myself on topic I'm familiar with ? Hardly, I do that everyday. I knew nothing about sociology a few month ago..
You are making me a false trial here.
What topic is not relevant, Social science are more than relevant in our debate here, what are you talking about ?
Lad, you're basically an NPC (and I hate that term).
Lad, you're basically an NPC (and I hate that term).
*Oblivion music starts playing*
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Thats the thing with trump, media pundits and political commentators on a regular basis completely mischaracterized what he actually said to make him look even worse than he would if youd just look at his plain statements
Same with Bolsonaro. Adam probably cant quote one thing Bolsonaro has ever said and insists on regurgitating bullshit he heard from some left wing European news outlet.
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arrogant people can't see their arrogance
I'm sorry if it comes as arrogant but yes, I genuingly think that in a few years, those who are calling themself "centrist" and are exposed to leftist reasonning will understand what I say.

Not because they are lacking the knowledge or the access to the knowledge but because they are right now in a state where they refuse that knowledge/reasonning (for X reasons that I won't debate here) but I think that society is moving in a way where leftist idea are moving forward. And that those who are curious and exposed to leftist and progressive reasonning will naturally come to understand why we speak the way we speak.

You guys may call me woke, SJW, twitter warrior, NPC. But you are just like me, you want peace for you and everyone else. That's why you WILL understand. I trust that hope.
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