Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1093 Spoilers Discussion

Will Sanji vs Saturn happen?

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Lol I don't see the panel where it said that enma nerfed Zoro and as a matter of fact it strengthened Zoro. And if you have read the manga properly, Zoro carried Luffy after he ran out of haki only for a few minutes not the entire rooftop. Zoro tanked a very strong attack and then broke every bone of his body for what??? This was a good feat but claiming that others were nothing without zoro is a delusion. Zoro used his most powerful attack and kaido just ignored him lol and then zoro slept like a kid until being drugged lol and Who do you think defeated Kaido in the end lol now you will argue Luffys victory just bcoz zoro wasn't the one to defeat Kaido.
COPE hard lol
ZKK getting failed still haunts you :pepecopium::pepecopium::pepecopium:
Zoro's King of Hell mode is based on how he stopped holding back and released all his haki.

Zoro's Asura made a new scar on Kaido which is more relevant than anything pulled on rooftop until Luffy CoC coating attacks. That counts G4 Luffy hitting Kaido for half hour.


And do you remember our bet ? lol
I still do lol.
be ready to loose lmao.

No he's not and I prefer taking the actual manga for source material rather than messed up head cannons and fairy tails.
Zoro is a swordsman so what??? Luffy has a strong haki too and an awakened fruit user and having advanced haki on top of that he didn't one shot Lucci. So youre either underming Luffy again just like you always do or you are downplaying Lucci too much.
See this why you miss reading comprehension lol , Oden was a swordsman and zoro already surpassed him , Adcoc is the highest degree of offense power.
combine these two you get Kaido KO'ed by oden. you think lucci is better than kaidou lmao!
either youre underestimating zoro or over estimating Lucci above kaidou lol.
Luffy can already handle those temps .
Dude made a not touch fist the size of a island to clash with Kaido fire dragon .
The big question is how hot Kaido was compare to Akainu .
Clearly the inferior magma flames don't come close to akainu who was burning off whitebeards face.

The only reason sanji gets ranked so high in Temps is because he holds the unique feat of blue flames that produce plasma (aka lightning)

Don't speak on what you've clearly put 0 thought into


1. I never claimed to win any argument.
Bro you escaping it by relying on insults lol.

2. I am not a Zoro hater just like you are a luffy hater and I even said that he had good feats on the rooftop read my answer again
Lmao , I'm not a luffy hater either. I'm just stating facts. I don't even mind what headcanon people are carrying for their character unless they mess with me. i seriously don't care lol.

3. You can hear praises of both Luffy and Zoro from me but you will never acknowledge Luffys feats ever, I have seen enough of your posts here to confirm it lol.
If he does something impressive I'll definitely praise him lmao. but at the end of the day bro is just a selfish and brain dead bastard.

4. Your arguments are not even strong enough to counter lol. They just collapse on their own with just a little logic lol
5. Arguing with you is like teaching maths to a pig and expecting it to solve 1+1 in a year
Again you proving my points lol.
you never countered even single of my arguement.
you rely on personal insults when things don't go your away. for some reason you can't leave your headcanon.
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