Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1093 Spoilers Discussion

Will Sanji vs Saturn happen?

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Sasaki Kojirō

Everything BM and Kaido haters said about them, is what Admirals have been doing
Now they're quiet about it and coping:

  • Can't KO nerfed people : Akainu failing to KO Kuma
  • Can't KO people for good : Kizaru failed to permanently KO Sento, who is uo to fihht and saved bonney.
  • Can only beat nerfed high tiers : Calamities, Cracker, Sentomaru who were all injured already
  • Can't dominate no adhaki g4/g5 : something BM and Kaido can easily do. BM even defeated awakenwd Kid and awakened law in round 1 while weakened kaido beat adhaki g4 and matched adhaki g5
  • Can't finish his mission : Kizaru failing 3x alreadh
  • Can't capture any intruder : fuji, gB, Akainu failed to capture a single revo
:kayneshrug:Incompetent top tiers
But what's going on with CHA-KIZARU can't seem to bring Sentomaru down the whole arc? The guy is saving Bonney. LOL

While Kaido was killing Luffy in Wano. LOL Leaving the scabbards unconscious.


Nah bruh you dumb.

Ashura is not coc. That was never implied.

Unless you stating that zoro had coc before luffy. The only one dumb here is you..

Zoro used alot of haki in his ashura. Kaido sensed zoros ambition. Then internally asked himself if zoro was conquerors haki user. This is the same zoro with over 30 broken bones who's will should have been broken but wasn't. Not a single thing implies that ashura itself was coc related
Zoro had CoA and CoO before Luffy. Is only natural he also has CoC before him.

Zoro used CoC coating on Asura. That's the only way a swordsmen can scar Kaido.

King stated Zoro kingly ambition when saw him knocking fodders with his CoC. You arr saying the same thing but pretending it is not CoC but only potential to CoC. Which is ridiculous.

I'm not saying Asura is CoC although you are too dumb to realize that. But it is heavily hinted to be.

Uncle Van

Taxes Are a Sickness
Man I almost want to tag the clowns who were placing Old Ray below or around Yamato. It's sad, hate for a few characters (Zoro and Admirals in this case) makes you take it out on a character with nothing but god tier portrayal every time he's on screen. There's no excuse for the disrespect that man has gotten the past few years, I'm not even a Rayleigh fan. Even Mihawk is different since he has things you can nitpick on MF.

Dude is Luffy's sensei who taught him haki, you played yourself if you thought Oda was ever gonna disrespect him even in the slightest. And you had Yonkou fans still tryna gatekeep this guy from this "Yonkou lvl" , after he literally made a Yonkou shit his pants. He spits on that title, literally the weakest he can be is that lvl.

W to L ratio on Rayleigh has to be the best in the entire series. Rayleigh is literally Shanks without any blemishes like Lor D Coast and Teach's scars.

Oda rolls out the red carpet for dude everytime he's on screen. I wouldn't even put a 4 bill bounty past him, that's how wanked he is.
Let's be honest: Rayleigh only gets downplayed to gatekeep the admirals and Mihawk from being considered on the same level as the Emperors.

I mean Kizaru clearly is focusing on his mission which is narrative condition.
Now there isn't a single narrative condition preventing Luffy from punching the fuck out of Kizaru while he was holding, the sole reason for that is PIS, should be obvious. Is Luffy trying to achieve something else that cannot incapacitate for good the warping light guy that is trying to kill his friend?
Point is that both Luffy and Kizaru aren't going all out and is showing PIS. My responses are addressed to those to pretend Kizaru is going all out somehow.

More like
Luffy nerfs: No AdCoC + Ryou+ Future Sight
Kizaru nerfs: Possible Awakening
There is no visible indicator for Ryou and FS. Luffy got hit all the time despite having FS active with no noticeable cues.


Everytime he used his green flame attacks against king it was occupancied by black lightning. BECAUSE OF THE BLACK LIGHTNING WE KNEW HE WAS USING ADVANCED COC. THE FLAME ITSELF WAS NEVER AN INDICATOR OF ADVANDEC COC
I'm not denying that. But you are too dumb to realize that.

I'm saying when he has those flames he is on CoC coating mode. There is no hint of Zoro attacking Lucci with flames without lighting. We saw Zoro standing just like that against King.


Let's be honest: Rayleigh only gets downplayed to gatekeep the admirals and Mihawk from being considered on the same level as the Emperors.
It doesn't needed to downplay Rayleigh, to realize that Admirals and Mihawk are on the same level as the Yonkous lol
Luffy throwing Kizaru instead of beating him to death is one the most retarded battle decision since Big Mom forgetting Ad CoC in Wano.
Imagine when Luffy caught Kaido in Onigashima, instead of pummeling him he throws a guy that he knows for a fact can fly into the sea...
GODA writing at it again
maybe, considering only flames were mentioned and they said neither luffy nor zoro uses coc i think it's just the firefox style for now
It definitely is. He's always shown auras on his blades when he uses CoA. He's shown green smoke when he uses excessive ryuo. Flames on swords has only been shown to be from Firefox style
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