Should Gojobros apologize to Kinyagi?

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Chap starts with Geto saying 'Yo' to Gojo who's looking stupified. Gojo says 'this is awful'. Geto pouts & says Gojo is being rude

Geto asks how was King of Curses. Gojo answers that Sukuna was damn strong & he didn't even go all in for it. Gojo says he's not sure if he could win even if Sukuna didn't had Megumi's CT. Geto is surprised that Sukuna made Gojo of all people to admit that

Gojo says he gave his everything. His trained body, the techniques he learnt, the talent he brushed, inspiration & explosive powers. He says he wanted them to reach Sukuna & hopes it will reach to him. Gojo says it was fun

>Gojo says he's glad that what killed him is not time or disease but someone stronger than him. Nanami chimes in to say it's disgusting to here all that from Gojo cuz he sounds like a samurai general lol

We then see Gojo has been cut in half as Sukuna explains that infinity doesn't matters if the entire world can be cut

As Sukuna says don't let me down, Narrator explains that without any moment of feeling sorrow for Gojo's death, the one that came in is Thunder God, HAJIME KASHIMO

other panel:

@MUUGEN @Levi @NikaInParis @ConquistadoR @EmperorKinyagi
I forgot who this kashimo guy is.
I forgot who this kashimo guy is.
They're a sorcerer from 400 years ago who beat everyone in their era and never had a challenge.

So they made a deal with Kenjaku to come back to life 400 years later for a chance to fight guys like Sukuna/Gojo.

Kashimo has never used their cursed technique, it's one time use.

However, their normal cursed energy has the properties of lightning (like Killua) so even without his CT Kashimo is a monster.

With his one time CT he is probably gonna be Gojo/Sukuna tier. Maybe even above for a little bit.
They're a sorcerer from 400 years ago who beat everyone in their era and never had a challenge.

So they made a deal with Kenjaku to come back to life 400 years later for a chance to fight guys like Sukuna/Gojo.

Kashimo has never used their cursed technique, it's one time use.

However, their normal cursed energy has the properties of lightning (like Killua) so even without his CT Kashimo is a monster.

With his one time CT he is probably gonna be Gojo/Sukuna tier. Maybe even above for a little bit.
I see.
They're a sorcerer from 400 years ago who beat everyone in their era and never had a challenge.

So they made a deal with Kenjaku to come back to life 400 years later for a chance to fight guys like Sukuna/Gojo.

Kashimo has never used their cursed technique, it's one time use.

However, their normal cursed energy has the properties of lightning (like Killua) so even without his CT Kashimo is a monster.

With his one time CT he is probably gonna be Gojo/Sukuna tier. Maybe even above for a little bit.
Also @SakazOuki since your fraudulent ass definitely doesn't know either
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Here you go:

It's honestly really straight forward. Sukuna just changed the target of his CT from Gojo to the space he's in.
So once again for the special education kids.

- Gojo is untargeteable because, to get to him, you have to get through an infinite amount of space that surrounds him.
- So somehow targeting the space instead of Gojo, it passes through the infinite amount of space? Why?