Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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I am not happy because I wanted to see more, but in a discussion a user told me that if Kizaru had not forced Luffy into that old grandpa mode, then it couldn't have been on the same level as Kaido; at least that is settled lol.

Aside from that, I am sure Kizaru and Luffy are not finished. They will have a round two with all they've got, Awakening included.

Obviously the fight would be awful if this was the real conclusion.
But imho this is just like pre-G5 Luffy against Kaido. The final part will come when the time is right.
Thing is we don't have time for that Oda off screen most of the fight for a reason .
Think about it Luffy fight have only gotten longer and longer as he fight the main bad guy we taking 15 plus chapter long fights .
Do you see that happen here now that the elder made his move.
Pre G5 luffy fight vs Kaido was like 10 plus chapter long lol .
This isn't tie when it didn't end with both character punching each other

Kizaru didn't fall on his own will nor did he knock Luffy down
It's the other way around : G5 ran out and made lUffy to fall while Kizaru is down because he got punched

Stop the "it's a tie" nonsense
A tie is like katakuri vs snakeman where both ended the fight attacking each other before falling down
You don't force g5 to granpa mode
That's its side effect. Has nothing to do with Kizaru
Luffy gets that even when he's not damaged : Vs Lucci...

Same way g3 was making luffy become chibi
There was no "he forced luffy to be chibi"
Let's phrase that way then: if they fight with Kizaru did not bring Luffy into that Grandpa mode.

And no, against Lucci Luffy simply released the G5. This time it was explicitly brought to the limit.
Kaido definitely was handeling a stronger g5 better

Luffy being out of gear 5 it’d be dope if he switches it around and focuses on using advanced haki now.

Like it’d be cool if the first part of the fight luffy flexes his devil fruit powers more while using basic haki applications but maybe now he fights in base while using all his advanced haki abilities
I think Oda might do this

Luffy will go on spamming adhaki vs kizaru (or saturn) the reuse g4/g5 with adhaki when he wanna end the fight for good
Kaidou fell down after Luffy hit him in G5! That was the end of one of the chapter back in Onigashima.
Next chapter, Kaidou kepts up like he did 1000 times before.

Again, Falling down is not defeated retard.
Lol you're so retarded it's unbelievable. Luffy and Kizaru were panting meaning they were nearing their limit Kizaru asks Luffy if his form is nearing a limit as he is to. How much more can Oda spell it out for you hopefully the raws can stop you coping bitch
:pepeke: We all need to take a chill pill and wait for pics.

- We have no clue what the state is for Kizaru this chapter after he got punched. Oddly he's just talking to Luffy right before so its weird....

- We have no idea where they fell relative to Saturn (does that mean they both get up and continue fighting if they arent near Saturn?)

- We have no true idea as to what Kizaru is talking about when he says "this is bad". Panels and context matter here. Is it his health? Is it that he keeps failing the mission? Is it that he's nervous about Saturn? We dont have an a true idea on any of it.
Lol Marco didn't have Kizaru panting.

Lik it's over no Zoro vs Kizaru like you wanted. Like there was no ZKK it's over.
Stop giving zoro fans attentions

Kizaru is exhausted after fighting casual g5
Kizaru hyped G4 (no adhaki) as tough fight

Both things he never did vs Rayleigh or Marco
Anyone saying otherwise is a troll. Of course zoro fans would say such stuff sinve they never understand one piece anyway
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