Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1094 Spoilers Discussion

Why did Saturn transform?

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The only one who can beat me is me
There’s still no indication that non g5 Luffy would be useless against kizaru when he wasn’t even fully using his haki. Even in snakeman he wasn’t using conquerors
Yea that's the thing, I'm operating under the notion that it is. This is gonna make or break your entire argument.

I still want to hold out hope Snakeman can be effective. But everything points to the opposite. Oda just fast forwarded past it.
Why is it hard to accept that Admirals=Yonko?
And yonko fans keep on coping using Kaido as standard when not all emperors have the same stats. Keeping on comparing Kizaru and Kaido tanking hits.

That fact that Luffy and Kizaru is at stalemate means in general, Yonko=Admirals

No one here even the Shanks fans think he can tank all hits that Kaido took lol.
They all have different builds, doesnt mean they cant be on the same level with each other
No it does not especially when Luffy and Kaido sued ACoC and AdcoA on each other 24/7 while luffy on used AcoC on Kizaru twice.

Luffy held baoc against Kizaru not Kaido.
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When were you under the impression this game is..
We need to see what the attack did to Kizaru but if Kuzan gets up from Garp's punch I think it's safe to say Kizaru walks this one off.
I mean its the first ACoC attack that hit him id assume hes fine, Kaido ate hundreds of those so Kizaru should be ok.


The only one who can beat me is me
Yeah, matchups matter who would've thought.
That's the thing, Luffy has FS and Snakeman a mode literally built to counter speed. Luffy is supposed to be the counter to Kizaru not the other way around.

If Luffy with FS + Snakeman unpredictability and attack rate is having trouble tagging this guy, lord have mercy on everyone else. G5 is literally series breaking, let's not even talk about that one.
Serious question to non agenda driven readers.

Do you think Gorosei > Admirals is official after this chapter ?
Tbh it looks like this but i think we need to see more from Saturn.
No, but obviously the same goes for Emperors and every other top tier.

Now is Saturn's hype moment as we have seen thousands of times in the past, but the Robot will deal with him.
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