Religious Zionism is such a garbage ideology and is honesty a big reason why this conflict has dragged out for so long.
The original Zionists, people like Herzl, never cared about Judaism. They just wanted to create a Jewish homeland, really anywhere, where Jews could be safe and have self determination.
If Israeli just stuck to it’s post independence borders and never did the 6 days war, I honestly feel like the conflict would have ended decades ago.
The original Zionists, people like Herzl, never cared about Judaism. They just wanted to create a Jewish homeland, really anywhere, where Jews could be safe and have self determination.
If Israeli just stuck to it’s post independence borders and never did the 6 days war, I honestly feel like the conflict would have ended decades ago.
The Jewish people should have created a state in a place like Oceania in my opinion. But after they decided for the Middle-East it was fated.