Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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Idk, it seems like "Kizaru apologises Saturn" and "he's still on the ground unable to move", why would that make me dumb, I'm literally quoting the leaker.
That was not the part you were replying to, though.

We know that Kizaru is conflicted because we saw it. That obviously does not change the fact that having the man who had beaten Kaido, the literal Joy Boy, trying to prevent you from killing Vegapunk had an impact on how he did things.
Yeah, now that Luffy is KO and the Robot is not there.

When both things change, he'll order Kizaru to.
You see him ordering Kizaru to go after luffy instead of fighting luffy self .
If big robot come i expect him order Kizaru to fight it , this man want to kill Nika him self .
He look like high tier than Kizaru to me .


Lead them to paradise.
Wdym, Sabo was on life supports even weeks after his encounter with Imu.

Judging from the spoilers, Bonney and Sanji were knocked down and laid there, unable to do anything. Even if it's just hax it's still another hopeless parasite moment.
It says they are knocked in the head but the head doesnt explode, just some blood comes out.

As for Sabo he was hurt yes but the point is he could still run/keep moving.
Nothing is going to happen to Sentamru, Bonney and VP. Oda needs to fuck off with this fake ass tension. If he doesn't want to do that then offscreen this filler nonsense fight if Kizaru isn't going to go all out. 26 years in and yall still making up the same excuses for this so-called "fights" disguised as skirmishes where nothing happens to anyone.
Lol Lee go and cry over Neji being the only casualty in Naruto's endgame:gokulaugh:

Theres your tension bro


Magic Sword, Magic Swordsman, and Can Cut Anything
Katakuri won then :
  • Was up after snakeman Luffy's finisher
  • Got up 10 min later
  • Still conscious and talking when Luffy escapes
I guess Katakuri vs Luffy didn't end since katakuri was never KOed completely by Luffy
He was only unable to move/fight again

People still don't understand that you lose the fight if you can't move/fight again
Doesn't matter if you're conscious and talking.

Kizaru lost...
Will he fight Luffy again? Maybe
But with Saturn being this hax...we will get Saturn vs Nika Luffy soon
katakuri is a fooder in this time. Even franky is stronger than him:seriously:

Sasaki Kojirō

Everyone knew that this was inconsistent and only happened off-screen and when no main characters are involved. Proof of this? Kaido and Big Mom fought for 3 days but lost in a matter of hours, Jack fought the same opponent for 5 days but lost in a few hours...

These illiterates promote this crap like they promote "Kizaru will solo two Yonkos," when in reality, the man is falling with just one punch.

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