Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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~no coq
~no awakening
~no durability feat
~no blackblade
~couldn’t finish luffy
~couldn’t finish vegapunk
~struggling and shaking to get up after one coc attack
~apologizing for failing his master
~let kuma escape
~garp the slave supporter
~yonko >admirals

admiral fans what a time to be alive :mihanha:
Luffy negs all the admirals combined.
So this chapter proves me right and wrong at the same time. My opinion has been that current luffy is actually just dogshit, because of g5 limit that many ppl seem to be ignoring (luffy just has to bajrang gun!, as if admirals have to face that attack in a 1v1) , and just because he managed to finish lucci off in time, does not mean he'd finish off a top tier before g5 runs out and he becomes defenceless, and from there he dies easily.

What this chapter shows is, that luffy can in fact damage a top tier enough, to the point that even if G5 runs out, the top tier is physically incapable of getting up and finishing the fight there and then, which actually gives luffy enough time to recover.

If he can do it to Kizaru, he can do it to greenbull, he can do it to aokiji as well and this is why I don't think Kizaru stocks actually fall that far down, depends how you look at it. Aokiji got hit by garp who was right in front of him, because he didn't expect the attack since they were having dialogue and the fight hadn't actually started yet.

In this case luffys attack was unexpected because he was spinning around being an idiot, which actually helped to mask the attack that Kizaru didn't expect, and so was not able to react to it on time.

This shows if the opponent is fast enough they can catch an admiral off guard and do notable damage, and they cant just "morph" the attacks, or kizaru can't just "avoid it because he's faster" . I could make an argument for that with marco hitting aokiji at MF for example, but many people don't take MF seriously in that regard, but I don't need to anyway.

This doesn't actually change my opinion all too much, I just think that it went from Kizaru winning 10/10 times vs Luffy in a 1v1, to 9/10, because lets be honest, the 1/10 chance happened in this chapter for the sake of plot, otherwise nothing was stopping Kizaru if he'd blocked the attack, from lasering luffy through the heart a million times with the state he's in. But at the end of the day it still happened plot or not, this boosts Luffy up for me.

I think Mihawk and Shanks still easily beat luffy, because I don't even think shanks or mihawk would get hit by that attack, nor the attacks from garp. The admirals don't even have time to use the FS they may or may not have in time, whether its because they just don't opt to, or not or literally just can't, don't really matter, the whole obs haki thing is inconsistent anyway.
No body is easily beating luffy…people forget kaido was in fact the strongest pirate after whitebeard and people want to wank mihawk and shanks above that, when they haven’t even shown up to 30% of his feat
Luffy was literally using his strongest form after Kizaru kicked him in the chin in g4.
Both Kizaru and Luffy can’t move, it’s a draw for the moment. Both will get back up too after Saturn’s flashback is over. We haven’t even seen any of Kizaru’s own finishers, he’s not meant to lose this arc.
Honestly bro, Luffy took more damage from that barrier than any Kizaru attack until now. Also, Kizaru has paper durability, since 1 ACoC punch is enough to put him down.
I agree, Zoro wont beat an admiral as well. He will beat someone stronger, your nightmare - world's strongest swordsman, Mihawk
Mihawk has no place in final war or being Zoro's eos opponent

The last battles is about freeing the world from WG
Zoro will he WSS already when fighting WG
Post automatically merged:

Bonney might sing the nika drums like kuma which ends up charging G5
No need to nerf just write a way to counter attacks. Be creative instead of lameass stamina regression. He was able to write excellent G3 and G2 drawbacks without losing mojo. G4 and G5 no difference in drawbacks which is lame. Stamina issues is for old people Luffy not even 20 years.
Well law and kid did warn us about stamina issues while it new to you .
In OP time in few week it will last long like don or Kat awakening .
Luffy: down after G5's time limit and after conveniently not using any adv. Haki til the last blow.
This is a mere baseless assumption, not only because Future Sight is a thing

Once Luffy used Gear 5 against Kaido, we started seeing waaaay less Haki coming from Luffy's attacks, and that didn't change a thing

Luffy was playing around in many different ways and hurting Kaido by even slamming him to the ground, grabbing lightning, getting eaten and beating him from the insides and other stuff

That hit was the first thing he managed to do against Kizaru, a clean and obvious hit in the head with his best Haki
Kizaru: taking a rest.

Luffy: needs to be saved immediately.


I was worried that Luffy fans would lose their minds after Wano and Gear 5, but it's even worse than I thought.

Luffy just beat a man, Kaido, the WG was scared of attacking.

Kizaru is still conscious, while Luffy is saying nothing and needs to be saved by other people.

And people think Luffy is winning here???
Yes, oda lame ass writing inconsistencies. No stamina issues and no turning of old man in G5 against Kaidou. In egghead, stamina issue popped up, in Elbaf, some other issues.
And also Saturn didn't attack Kizaru so you didn't know Kizaru required saving either.
It was coming out of Luffy
And same AdvCoC attack was no sold by Zoro and Law
Even kinnemon took one to head

Saturn can beat Scabbards Luffy Law and Kidd by himself just by looking at them
Stop the nonsense dude
You are looking ridiuculous
Saturn stomps Kaido
No ifs
Buts Ors about it

Keep your attention to admiral fans
Don't put Kaido against someone he's a clear fodder to
Its like Sanji fans tryna argue Sanji > Shanks
this chapter mind broked him. but do tell hoy Saturn stomps kaido, I am sure you make a solid case here since what we just saw and read.
Luffy: down after G5's time limit and after conveniently not using any adv. Haki til the last blow.

Kizaru: down after the one and only blow Luffy amped with adv. Haki.

Admiral bros: damn it's a tie. They are equal.
Yes. The panel makes it more obvious. Oda couldn't have Kizaru walk off Luffy's Gear 5 because it would make him look too bad so he put him on his ass for this instance too.

Oh it'll be hilarious to see this forum switch back when Luffy vs Kizaru will continue after this FB.


✌𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓢𝓲𝓶𝓹𝓵𝓲𝓬𝓲𝓽𝔂 𝓸𝓯 𝓛𝓲𝓯𝓮✌
this chapter mind broked him. but do tell hoy Saturn stomps kaido, I am sure you make a solid case here since what we just saw and read.
I wouldn't say stomp but this chapter does give credence to the immortal gorosei theory so while I doubt it would be a stomp he'd more than likely win
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