Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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I think Luffy's stamina issue is due to the fact that he thinks himself as a rubber man and hence has to bear the drawback of elastic limit and plasticity. Once Vegapank tells him that his power is of imagination or gives him some tech that'll overcome the defect. I say so because only Luffy out of all Mythical Zoans has this drawback which I say is due to limits of rubber.
@Pringles @Welkin @Luffy_Fan @Hades your thoughts bois?
Nah I’m holding firm, that is clearly an anime error. The anime has made coloring mistakes before as they did with Kuma’s color scheme, Marco’s initial design, drawing Saint Shanks with two arms in the Whitebeard flashback, Fujitora’s color scheme, etc.

Call it cope, I don’t care. If Oda shows or says that it’s not a black blade then that’s one thing, but the anime has made mistakes before and this is one of them. It is clearly a black blade in the canon manga.

Also Even the openings make mistakes
They even eventually changed sanji’s tie color after multiple episodes of it being wrong
Guys anime canon >>> manga fake news

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