Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1095 Spoilers Discussion

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People that think Saturn will lose here, have they forgotten that the WG needs to get the seraphim, York, etc?
Everyone has their goals and needs, doesn't mean they will all achieve them. Saturn is likely to be defeated from a narrative perspective, even if it has to be 3rd party intervention.

The flashback with Shanks dad and the fact Shanks was about to depart Elbaf, could hint at Shanks heading over to help kill Saturn himself. Or maybe a different crew will help Luffy, Dragon still didn't make a move in forever, now is the time to do something and for Sabo to maybe kill Saturn.
What they don't get is that these modes are literally Luffy boosting himself temporarily because he's not strong enouhg to defeat his opponents otherwise, if he can't do it during the timelimit this is because he simply not that guy yet.
Yeah the big thing is regardless of how many PUs base luffy gets, he’s still way too weak. Even G4 luffy can’t fight top tiers so he needs to use temporary power ups to fight.
Reading comprehension. The arc will end with Luffy beating Saturn with a punch.

That's the "shocking event" I am betting.

Your agenda completely ignores that something the world didn't see coming happens.
"Reading comprehension" you posted a picture of CD fodder getting 1 shot by Luffy and you didnt elaborate whatsoever on it

My reading comprehension is just fine dude:kobeha:

And i dont agree with you, get over it. Stop having a hard on for me. Every chance another user responds to me, you respond to them to talk shit about me lmao.

Go seethe by yourself on this topic.
EOS antagonists = Blackbeard and Imu (note how Imu was butthurt towards Blackbeard). Doesn't mean their underlings are Yonko level, let alone beyond.

Luffy=Sun god Nika
Shirahoshi = Neptune/Poseidon
Blackbeard = moon.

And if you add it up. The figures all fit.

Imu is earth/sea. The gorosei are planets up to Saturn. Uranus and Pluton are still out there.
We're starving huh??
Need to make Luffy being under that condition by his own usage of excessive power becomes either L for him or W for Kizaru
Sword bois and Marine bois has a field day again for this chapter for Luffy and Sanji
Too bad we don't see Zoro this chap to balance this shitshow.
As a guy who gives no shit about any character in this arc
Everyone look pathetic.
One reach his time limit too quick for a stall piece
One keep seeing stars and can't move after a single hit
One still clashing someone that already got 2 Ls in this arc
One got bullied by main villain of the arc for 1000 times again

Pls Oda show us at least Rox pirates in the flashback b4 going back to stall piece.
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