No you didn't. You haven't actually begun answering anything to me. You've just gone circular. When I asked you why you're voting Flower over Ultra, despite Ultra being in your "primary" PoE and Flower being in your "secondary", you said that Flower's wagon was "more viable" than Ultra's. Not only do I believe this to be demonstrably untrue, I think it doesn't make a lick of sense coming from you - the idea that you need to be concerned about viability around Ultra, one of your two main scum reads, does not hold up when you are actively seeking to create a wagon with less traction and less votes on another player who you admit to scum reading less. Your "solve" does not even begin to evidence why you would do this either - I do not have full insight into your thought patterns - no one does.
Vote: Orwellian
You have become my first scum read.