@Ekkologix I'll try this once more. If this fails I'll just pretend you don't exist in this game I think.
Fang claims to have Ultra in his primary PoE, and Flower in his Secondary PoE. That means, with the two compared, he has greater reason to suspect Ultra, over Flower. Therefore, your characterisation that he has just gone from voting one scum read to another, does not hold up. Because as town, you would want your more confident scum reads lynched first, unless you have to compromise.
Now the compromise. He said Flower was more viable than Flower. You have claimed that number of votes is not the only measure of viability. Hower, that is the measure that Fang has employed, it has been his only defence. So that argument has been shot. Then, when you consider that Ultra and Flower had the same number of votes, Fang voting Flower means he cannot have been voting Flower to compromise. Because that would have required him to compare the wagons, see that Flower had more votes, and join that. Instead, he would have seen they had the same votes, and then compromised anyway. The issue here is he is specifically voting for a player he thinks is less likely to be scum than Ultra. It doesn't make any sense for a townie to do this.
If you don't follow this after this post then please do me a favour and just get me out of this game.