Who will be the next SH?

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To predict something based on different parameters of storytelling, you can't play it like each parameters have the same values. Therefore, you need a system to differenciate those parameters. That's what I did with the % system.

I use it everytime in this prediction actually. complexity doesn't mean that OKham razor can't apply

But nothing is cryptic here. Its seems overcomplicated because its 10 parameters with % of probabilities but take a closer look at those parameters and you will see that they are all pretty much linked together and most likely will appear naturally in the story. As a matter of fact, Oda probably doesn't have a clear idea of those parameters, this is most likely something he does instinctively.

Then, share with me something that can be more right and more accurate than my system. This is similar to science. I'm simply proposing a theory model to predict an event, if your model theoric is better I will accept it.

THis is part of the 5 golden rule. Each potential strawhat must have the inherited will.

But a desire and the will are things shared by a lot of character. They are therefore not precise enough to predict a potential member.
We need something that can narrow down much better the prediction.

This is why you must stop thinking in term of "what is important for the character" and more "what is important for the prediction"

In short. A shining nakama action is a shonen action related to the post/role on the ship. It can be surprising or subtil but it must be impressive.

I've narrowed down different parameters constructing each shining nakama action for the strawhat:

- The role implies some specifications: (Knowledge of the climat)

- The Character is introduced with a certain capacity for the role in the crew: (A special power or feeling sensing the weather pattern for example)

- The character must face a challenging situation (There is a storm coming)

- The character must overcome a challenging situation with an amazing action by using their specific crewman skills: (the character must predict a storm while being sick)

- This action must get the character out of trouble or make them understand something (The storm was avoided and it was a tornado!)

- An important character present during the action must make an exclamation remark regarding the action (this is a manga trope); ("wow, they predicted such an unpredictible storm while being sick, amazing")

What is important to understand is that the Shining Nakama action take the role of what I call a "manga action" in One Piece.

A manga action (I don't know if it is called differently or not) is a specific and impressive action that makes the character stands out from the rest. For example, here is a manga action in Uchuu Kyoudai that I really appreciate.

Mutta, who wants to become astronaut and therefore a good engineer passes an interview. Too bad for him, the interviewer after discussing the candidates reaches to the conclusion that 3 characters where really distracted during the interview, they decide to shut them down until one of the mentor in the band intervene and say this.

"I actually played a joke on the candidate, I lossened one of the screw that was on the chair's candidate"
"In the group X, three people called my attention"

"The first person noticed the screw instantly but it seemed like he wasn't bothered"
"The second person unitentionally laughed when she noticed and was starteled by herself laughing"
and the third:

THis is what a manga action looks like. It ciment the character into a specific position because of their specific gift or skills. Here, this is the proof of Mutta skill for problem resolution and in engineering skills that he will depict later in the serie.

For the strawhats, this can be seen through their action into their post. And each strawhat have one shining nakama action.
Just because they're not all equally important doesn't mean it's possible to make it a formula. You won't find two people on this entire site that agree on all the same point values, or even the same criteria to begin with, yet here you are demanding that everyone use YOUR criteria because you believe your opinions are facts.
Just because they're not all equally important doesn't mean it's possible to make it a formula.
Maybe, maybe not. You can't know until you try.

Try it yourself. Try to focus on specific parameter that all the strawhats have in common and that are important for the narration. And of course, try to be a little bit more specific than "a dream" and "a flashback"
Yes, in fonction of a LOGICAL reasonning. The logical reasonning being:

When you have 10 parameters ALL shared by the strawhats, the best way to predict the next strawhat is to see which parameter is the LESS SHARED by the character in the verse.

No, look again instead of lying. I agreed too. For the character, a dream is indeed more important. But we are not looking at what is the most important for the character here, we are looking at what can distinguish potential strawhats from any other characters.

Get it ? This is a question of pure logic.
This is so fcking retarded, dude pick one of your pillars, if you have something with value 6, now justify why that number is 6 and not 7 or 5.

Or do that with any pillar point and a -1 / +1.

Just repeating endlessy that "some pillars" are more important than others doesn't mean your numbering is correct.

God 40 pages to explain that you can't objectively or "logically" quantify qualititive things.
