Future Events Will nami get an arc?

Sanji - whole cake island
Zoro - wano
Usopp - elbaf ?
With seemingly the rest of the east blue crew likely getting an arc that helps highlight them nami might get one as well

If she does what do you want to see?
Like what aspect of her character do you want to get more fleshed out? Also where do you think itll take place

If it wasn't obvious enough i got the idea from morj
Back in WCI I thought that we would get an arc for Usopp/Zoro/Nami as we did with Sanji, especially with Wano and Zoro. Now I'm not so certain, given that it has focused on the Oden storyline.

I do believe that there could be more to Zoro'/Usopp's story, but I doubt an entire arc focused around either is on the horizon (the common theory is elbaf and usopp, which i wouldn't mind tbh).

I think it's even less likely for Nami. I feel she already had her arc with Arlong Park, and tbh I don't think an extra one is needed.

Fallen Prince

She already had her own arc , she is mere mortal (less special) unless if she turned out to be urouges daughter then no.

Well no elbaf will not be ussop's arc .
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She already has some shine in punk hazard (tashigi reminds her of bellemere (maternal marine)), FI (her hate on arlong)

I'm not really sure about this but i believe she will get some arc on lodestar/journey to raftel (she is navigator tho) or maybe in wano or elbaf with linlin.
If all strawhat will have their own arc then story will never end.
She is 1 of the main character that is already with us (readers) since decades ago. I would prefer an arc dedicated for her, than let's say, an arc dedicated to a certain new idiot that the readers never ever bond with him directly all this time.

What to expect from Nami's centered arc?
This is cliche, but to learn about her past / origin. Her real parents that she never met (they can be already dead), her real hometown or her real name.
I believe people are confused with the strawhats getting an arc. It's not exlusive about a strawhat but rather it brings the story forward + you have a strawhat who has a personal interest there (family, backgrounds etc.).

For example, wci was "sanji's arc" but the purpose was to bring big mom into the story (to wano). So that oda could start the "vs yonko saga".
Though it is another matter, if oda has done this the right way.

Zoro's arc is wano... a place which brings the plot forward( pronegylph's, kaido etc.).

The same will obviously happen with usopp (meeting yasopp etc.)

So nami should have something similar herself. Especially with her parents being unkown, the country where she was found etc.
Prior I would have guessed that she is big mom's daughter but that doesn't seem to be the case.

My guess would be, that she is a princess from some country and that she ended up being found by bellemere (a parallel to sanji).

And "nami's arc" will come. But it won't focus on her. Imo.
Dont think she will get an Arc, but pehaps after the SH get the four road Poneglyphs she will have her moment to shine trying to lead the way to Laftel, what is big feat already and Oda could make this "way" be much more than just find in a map the place and go there.

Laftel will be about Luffy, D.'s, Joy Boy and this things. Besides Luffy, the SH that seems to me that is going to get more focus in this arc will be Robin because of her ability to read the Poneglyphs.