Powers & Abilities AdCoC Lightning is Red, KoH Lightning is Black..


You just provided proof for once that things can be coated with ACoC. Here's the thing, all haki from the user body. ACoC users release CoC from the body and coat things with it.

That's why we have flashback of Luffy learning to flow CoA haki.
'' ACoC users release CoC from the body and coat things with it ''.. I guess that's pretty simplistic way to explain things..

The method difers though.. AdCoC is compressing CoC waves that manifest already outside the body..
'' ACoC users release CoC from the body and coat things with it ''.. I guess that's pretty simplistic way to explain things..

The method difers though.. AdCoC is compressing CoC waves that manifest already outside the body..
No, you're adding that wave part.

Luffy learned ACoC from being hit by a ACoC at8 and applying the same skills to flow and coat things with CoA to ACoC.
No, you're adding that wave part.

Luffy learned ACoC from being hit by a ACoC at8 and applying the same skills to flow and coat things with CoA to ACoC.
It's not the flowing skill that he applied, only the coating invisible layer.. He realised he could do with CoC what he did CoA level 2, That's it..

CoC is 100 percent not flowing inside the body and infused in a Blade..
You're deflecting now..

Zoro also used a base flying slash in KoH bird dance.. Dragon Damnation is Black Lightning.. Can't have both attacks be AdCoC, you need to pick one or the other.. Obvious it's none, Zoro doesn't have AdCoC..
How can you say that something is obvious when you have an opinion that is far from the general opinion?

Every time you invent more and more strange things that I think no one in their right mind would be able to understand easily. How is that going to be obvious?

The obvious thing is that a new power appears, a new visual effect appears, they must be related. This visual effect appears on Zoro after mentioning that he has CoC. The logical thing is that Zoro is then using AdvCoC.

It is so logical that the vast majority, even well-known Sanji fans, admit it. There are very few people who don't admit it and only you are so tired.
In One Piece, as far as I know, there has never been anything as complex as what you are proposing. It's meaningless.

Yeah. What is the problem?
Everything in One Piece is complex and filler with mysteries and inconsistencies..

One time AdCoC is invisible cutting attack, one time it's a Black Lightning cutting attack.. Make it make sense..

AdCoC is not touching, how did it cut King?..

Because Zoro added ACoC to it. Stop making things more complicated than they are.
It's literally the same Bird Dance attack than in Fishman Island..
Everything in One Piece is complex and filler with mysteries and inconsistencies..
No, in One Piece there are many mysteries, but it is not that complex. Furthermore, these mysteries are usually narrative, which is the strong point of One Piece, not the fights. There is nothing as complex as what you propose, that literally only you have been able to decipher.

If there is only one reader who is capable of understanding things, we are in trouble.

One time AdCoC is invisible cutting attack, one time it's a Black Lightning cutting attack.. Make it make sense..
No, AdvCoC is when contrails appear, it has nothing to do with black ligning. And the contrails are in both attacks. The only difference there may be is the much greater concentration of AsvCoC in the final attack, obviously, for a reason it is a finisher.

AdCoC is not touching, how did it cut King?...
Where was such a thing said? It is the AdvCoA that allows you to hit without touching. Precisely, we have not seen Zoro hit without touching, therefore he cannot have AdvCoA.


No, in One Piece there are many mysteries, but it is not that complex. Furthermore, these mysteries are usually narrative, which is the strong point of One Piece, not the fights. There is nothing as complex as what you propose, that literally only you have been able to decipher.

If there is only one reader who is capable of understanding things, we are in trouble.

No, AdvCoC is when contrails appear, it has nothing to do with black ligning. And the contrails are in both attacks. The only difference there may be is the much greater concentration of AsvCoC in the final attack, obviously, for a reason it is a finisher.

Where was such a thing said? It is the AdvCoA that allows you to hit without touching. Precisely, we have not seen Zoro hit without touching, therefore he cannot have AdvCoA.
You are a very patient person
Where was such a thing said? It is the AdvCoA that allows you to hit without touching. Precisely, we have not seen Zoro hit without touching, therefore he cannot have AdvCoA.
I do not wish to tamper you hammering sense into Rootbeer but I'm pretty sure that's how he pushed King away the second time he tried to take his swords, by creating distance with his haki.
I do not wish to tamper you hammering sense into Rootbeer but I'm pretty sure that's how he pushed King away the second time he tried to take his swords, by creating distance with his haki.
I don't think so since it really wasn't an attack. If not, it was from a standstill. I don't really know what happened there.
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Probably his first time dealing with rootbear. Would love to see how this would even go!
Unfortunately it is not the first time, although I did not achieve any positive results. :whitepress:
It was no attack but I guess he can have projected it like a barrier? Like Rayleigh with the elephant or allegedly the admirals on Marineford.
In those cases it looks like a laser beam that cannot be seen with Zoro. There is also nothing to indicate that Zoro has AdvCoA since it has never been mentioned and he is surprised when he sees Zoro use it for the first time.

If I had to bet, I would say that it is a combination of physical strength + CoA that allows the generation of a force that ends up separating them.