Fanclub Ulti Fanclub


Lead them to paradise.
I will kill luffy or anyone who beats her, im serious. They will be dead to me and i will skip their parts whenever i read the manga
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As I said in the chapter 978 spoiler thread I decided to create a fanclub for Ulti, the cute, cool and bold Flying Six who seems to have a deep bond with Page One and had the audacity to call Kaido an idiot and to say something about his family.

Thank you @Cinera for this :
Why Ulti Sama is the Best Girl

  • She's a fearless princess who speaks her mind:
    • Here she is dissing Queen
    • She's not afraid of even Kaido:

      (Also legs for days)
      As you can see the rest of the Tobi Roppo are shocked by her actions:
  • She is a protective Onee sama willing to rip into anyone to protect her otouto:
  • She also knows how to joke around with her comrades:
  • Here's some fan art of her:
  • Some memes:

Those who already love Ulti like me are free of joining this fanclub. Let's band together mates !

@Starbound Beast D. Draig
@Yo Tan Wa
@Emperor Nami
@Zoro D Goat
@Topi Jerami
@Dr. Spook
Make me your lieutenant, i have been pioneering ulti love all over the forums. People can vouch for me

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Today is a great day for the FC! our girl has shown some impressive feats and is not one to be messed with. Design, Power, Personality, Intelligence. She's a complete package. Remember this is OP verse where tragically, majority of the women are made as gag, weak, or useless. Love that Ulti is defying the odds. BEST GIRL!

She's definitely going to be back, her greatness isnt stopping any time soon.