No, Robin WAS evil, and was saved by Luffy and the Straw Hats.
Aokiji was not going after her to be a dick.
Aokiji was like "Damn it, the girl I saved almost took over Alabasta with Crocodile."
Robin after starving a civil war to try to overthrow a kingdom: "I don't care about kingdoms or people's lives. None of that matters to me."
By Alabasta, Robin only cared about history. The Straw Hats are the ones who taught her how to love and trust again, which is why she's so much happier now.
Aokiji was not going after her to be a dick.
Aokiji was like "Damn it, the girl I saved almost took over Alabasta with Crocodile."

Robin after starving a civil war to try to overthrow a kingdom: "I don't care about kingdoms or people's lives. None of that matters to me."
By Alabasta, Robin only cared about history. The Straw Hats are the ones who taught her how to love and trust again, which is why she's so much happier now.
Given her past and being the only survivor of an entire genocide of her people, her homeland at 8 years old and having to be on the run from the WG her whole life, constantly looking over her shoulder, never trusting anyone, easily being vulnerable and taken advantage of in the worst ways possible due to her age and then becoming an assassins and doing evil stuff for people like Crocodile, all while knowing she can't trust them either as Crocodile proved as he tried to kill her and almost did too, its no wonder she was like this too ofc.
The SHs literally saved and changed her, Robin is one of the best cases of character development and the whole Water 7 and Enies Lobby saga/arcs were testatement to this too ofc.
I tend to forget how brutal and downright evil Robin was too but its nothing compared to certain pirates/the WG/Marines/villains and criminals in general and even some parents in OP ofc.
Im wondering if her Demonio form is like Sanjis Hells Memories too, where shes using her trauma, the horrors she experienced as inspiration to power herself up and evolve, to fight back in a more effective way too. Unleashing her own inner darkness, I mean the WG did label her as Demon Child her whole life, even putting a bounty on her at 8 years old and shes taken it to heart and weaponised it for her own good now too.
I really want to know more about her and Brooks pasts especially, they fascinate me, TONS of potential and her time with the Revolutionaries too. I'd like to learn more about Tequila Wolf too at some point. No coincidence Kuma chose to send her there ofc.