Chapter Discussion One Piece chapter 983: Thunder


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Why is Zoro being downplayed but Kid isn't? Zoro's even fighting the tougher enemies ON HIS OWN. 'Huff Huff' cant be seen as a sign of frustration or annoyance either? The Zoro anti-bias is something else
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Totally agree bro, however I have hope that another badass Covert Ops Stealth Mission is about to happen from Sanji
Nice POV, based off his dialogue i think he's frustrated that there are so many annoying gifters


Sanji vs Who's who is perfect . they are similar in many ways. Smoking and have their hands in pockets.

A calamity is too strong for sanji right now(excluding possibly jack ). Let him fight the strongest flying six in a 1 on 1.
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Its really amazing how Usopp and Nami believe that sanji can protect them even against Yonkou Big Mom.
he meanwhile , is dumping them for a prostitute.
Can't find anything.

While huffing has it's own indication- a speech bubble literally saying huff huff
Are you serious talking about Zoro right now while your favorite character just left his friends in trouble to go after hoes ?
Huffing, exhauted ... who care as long he is still standing, with lots of bloods and defeating hundred of gifters, King and maybe even more :myman:
Wanna talk about how Luffy is dealing P1 like a noob ? Someone needs a RS to fight against him lol!!

Basically Luffy right now :

T6 are knocked out one by one lol!
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Sanji goes to rescue the women. This is the second brothel in the manga. And if the first one was just a cover for a robbery, this one is probably real, with women in custody who were forced to become prostitutes.
I was going to say the same thing. Just look at the way Oda drew the scene. It's not one of the typical heart eyed Sanji, drawn as a gag type of deal scene. He's got a dead serious look on his face. Sanji senses something is up.
Had a random thought, was wondering if anybody had mentioned it?

What if, at the time of Oden’s death, Toki was in the early stages of pregnancy with Oden’s kid, and it was only discovered after he died. We didn’t see her death, so maybe Kaido discovered it before he was going to kill her, had her take the child to term and then she died, and Kaido took the kid. It would go a long way in explaining the chains on his wrists (Kaido obviously wouldn’t treat him well, and it would be a tribute to Oden as well) and the rope thing on his back.

why is she so cute
Omg Carrot is huffing as welll:noo:
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Fr tho when has the smoke near the mouth ever been accepted as huffing ?

Doesnt it just show breathing ?

Zoro is the only one that is huffing in the dialouge box.


When were you under the impression this game is..
Yeah she sensed him when he was already attacking..
What i meant was why couldn't she sense him before he attacked ? That guy was most likely there for some Time already as he attacked Ulti from no where.
Either he is incredibly fast or Ulti couldn't sense him before he attacked her.
Well i mean, thunder is fast. And kaido did speed blitz g4 luffy.
Kinda want to see if Eneru powered up and how he'd fair with his Raijin mode vs Kaidou.

Ulti putting in work, in comparison to her brother whose done jackshit... Sneak attacks usually do their damage... let's see if she can come back from that.
Luffy doing a solid job too, much better than his time with Apoo.


When were you under the impression this game is..
OK , if Zoro beat that 500 people .... he will have my respect at a higher level and I won't take it back if later on he got bad feats below this level
I dont think there were 500 people there mate, those gifters just told him that there is overall 500 of them, responding to the comment of zoro saying they dont stop coming.
Remember Ulti clashed equally with Luffy's CoA who's probably stronger than Katakuri in terms of CoA now.
You're confusing a few things.

(1) Hardness of your attack is not just dependent on your CoA. It's also dependent on the hardness of your body/DF. Jozu's attacks sting not just because of his Haki, but also because he's made of diamond.

There is a reason he coats his arm in diamond. It's not just about Haki. Haki + Diamond = More durability.

It's the same thing for Ulti. A pachycephhlosaurus has a tough/durable head made to headbutt. So we can't ascertain Ulti's level of CoA, because her head is already super tough to begin with.

(2) Like I explained in the other thread, there are different types of Haki. Katakuri still has better Color of Armaments: Hardening, or Busoshoku: Koka than Luffy.

As Oda wrote, "Busoshoku" is the category of Haki, "Koka" (hardening) is the specific model. But Luffy is training in penetration Haki, which is a completely different branch.

For example, you can't say Katakuri has better CoO than Enel, because while Katakuri can see more forward into time, Enel can hear a pin drop on the side of the island, so he can hear further in space. Again, there are different types of Haki, even Rayleigh mentioned this.
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