You're for putting limits on freedom, breaking news: most people are. Unless you're an anarchist you believe a society needs rules
Spoiler, even in anarchist societies there are rules.
Like you said, every one, even Luffy, puts limits on freedom. That's why I distinguish absolute freedom (no limits) from true freedom (the limits we ourself creates)
My brother, these people ain't gonna change, and you're not fighting the "good fight" in here. Stop it with these delusions of grandeur.
And be less complient with hate, brother.
Because right now, I'm the only one who interevene because someone is being hatefull or bigoted against LGBTQ+. I don't see other people like yourself taking the time to actually fight this hate, take the side of the oppressed unless I intervene, which I will do systematically as their is no contradiction before their actions.
No, you are like a vulture who will wait that I have 10 MEN against me and start saying "hey, I know this guys is stupid, but its bad to be bigoted"
All I see here (the outrage against the gov of Israel) is a rage of circomstance. Its simply the hype thing to do. And you guys are jumping on the wagon. I've been the one warning everyone about fascism, the dangerosity of the far right and dehumanization for month now and what did I get from this forum and those who should be on my side like yourself ?
"stop with the delusion of grandor" "You are so full of yourself" "you don't know how to convey the point" "you are full of Sh*t" "Far right doesn't exist" "the occident are rules by leftists"
Brother. I know exactly how to convey my point. And right now you are in the way. The point here is that I'm the only true leftist on this forum, and SEEMS to be the only one understanding the reality of the rise of fascism in the occidental society on this forum and I'm the only one facing it as it should be faced:
With a big "f*ck you" instead of a "stop trolling please".
So place your moraline and your despicable patronization into your little backpack, and let me fight how I please. Because you are actually NOT helping one single bit. Not the palestinians, not LGBTQ+, not your country, not even yourself.
Thank you.