Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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What a mid ass trash chapter. Probably the worst right-before-break-week chapter ever. I guess it was bound to happen. Oda did EXTREMELY good in Egghead keeping 10/10 hype chapters for like 70% of egghead arc so far.
But please Oda end this Bonney/Kuma dog shit flashback already.....The best part of this flashback was god valley blue ball. Thats it. Imagine if Oda had decided to give Kaido this long a flashback instead of this bum ass Kuma and Bonney.
God I also just realised we'll get even more of this trash flashback next chapter to see Kuma beat Bekori or some shit to become tyrant.....
Your in luck. Not only will 1099 be his Tyrant years, 1100 probably will be his body modification years. Enjoy the torture bro:cheers:
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