Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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It makes sense why Dragon never attacked the WG at that time as the revos weren't strong enough to declare war against WG, and they probably didn't know whether she was in Mariejois or in Impel Down and what happened to her.

The revos are part of what is basically a terrorist organisation, getting captured, tortured, and dying is part of their job and all the members probably understand that.
Lol Oda since then:

- Killed two Scabbards
- Killed two VP bodies
- Basically had Shanks murder Kid (yes im sure he's still alive)
- Had Blackbeard drop Law from the PK race
- Killed Cobra
- Made the Gorosei into weird demonic entities with Imu
- Captured Garp, which might lead to his death.
- Made the God Knights despicable, thus far
- Made the God Valley incident about genocide.
- Had Ginney essentially raped and forced to have a child.

Likely ending with Kuma surrendering his mind for some other fucked reason (i assume to save Bonney's life from the blood disease)

He's fooling around alrightXD
The same guy who didn't have the balls to kill f*cking Pell after a nuke explosion in the face.
WTF happened to him in the past 2 years?:hope:
Yeah but you have @lee33 ignoring this and acting like Oda is a Pedo because of it and not his precious Naruto author lmao

And yes, Japanese culture is weird as fuck with this shit, and still is. I dont think any of these people are actual offenders, but they are all definitely way too quick to accepting people being one and reassimilating them in their society

Its just weird as fuck in general, I agree.
Oda is worse than Kishimoto, accept it.
This basically guarantees that Saturn dies here right? Someone has to fucking pay, and Kuma knows Saturn is one of the biggest boots around.

If we don't at minimum get that, I can't imagine Luffy destroying the redline with the CDs on top of it. Or really anything else that punishes them for their slaving, genociding, rapist asses.
You know what's actually surprising. Bonney stopping Zoro from killing a Celestial Dragon in Saboady.

Maybe her hatred is directed at Saturn specifically. Either he gave her mother to said rapist CD or he was the predator himself
did you forget that bonney didn't know anything about her father's past before this arc?

She likely didn't know how she came to be
Kuma's flashback would've been interesting maybe 10 years ago, when he was still somewhat of a credible threat, now his a a weak fodder that'd get one shotted by Luffy, but Oda seems stuck back 10 years ago thinking we need a huge 4-5 chapter long backstory on the dude.

Well, I guess the flashback is to make us feel for him when he inevitably gets used as a hype tool to hype Saturn, I'm guessing his gonna try attacking Saturn, get easily foddered and killed, and then Luffy's drums are gonna activate and his gonna attack Saturn and free Bonney and he and Bonney are gonna realise Luffys the warrior of liberation, its possible he'll get a fake out death too and his souls transformed to that seraphim.
This is why powerscaling kills storytelling.
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