Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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This is just powerscaling veiled as not powerscaling

The crux of this entire arc has been Kuma since a least 6 chapters in. To act like the entire audience wasn't interested in figuring out what kuma's deal is, especially since its been a lingering plot for over 500 chapter, just cause we don't get to see "who fights who in past battle royal" is pure power scaler brain
Dude what?

The guy was right. Kuma was relevant pre-TS when he was still human(cyborg like Franky). Not now that he is just a robot. Our colleague was just wrong to say that he was relevant because he was strong at time and now he is a fodder. Is not because of that.

Doesn't matter if Kuma is the crux or whatever of the arc. He is not relevant for most of the readers. Vegapunk isn't strong powerwise yet people wanted to know about him and his backstory.

You are just mad because you LORE guys are eating shit. Fight > Lore any time at any day.
Omg what a foreshadowing!!

Lmao Oda creates a character that can manipulate her DF, and just insert random "appears to be" because why not, it is her power anyway.
Yet this OPler acting like this is some great foreshadowing since 10+ years ago while actually ignoring the fact Oda still draws her half naked in the same arc she is revealed as 12 years old
But but foreshadowing from 10+ years ago :suresure: @lee33
Boy you and Lee really like slurping each other over this huh. Makes me question if you actually have a problem with this or if its projection:jay-he:
1/2 right

Kyros and Rebecca were pointless characters

Idk how mentioned 2 characters, 1 around for 500 chapters and the other a MC, is in anyway the same
You can't give solid reasons as to why Kyros and Rebecca are pointless characters other than saying they are not important to the main plot or they aren't strong enough to beat Doflamingo. Characters aren't good because they are cool and do raw stuff, they are good because they tackle interesting ideas and themes that relate to the overall message of the story. Both Kyros and Rebecca are a strong example of multiple themes that are important to One Piece. Those being the themes of found family, dealing with grief, surviving in an unforgiving world, yearning for peace, fighting for what is right, etc.

But the posters in this forum only care about how strong a character is. They're probably children. At max 20 years old. No wonder you have Ryuma as your avatar pic.
So I guess there is not chapters of flashbacks needed for Kyros, Rebecca, young Law, Robin, etc because they're fodder in comparison to Luffy? How does it matter that Kuma is weak in comparison to Luffy? Not everything revolves around Luffy lmao.
Lolz, people crying and saying that of all characters, Kuma is irrelevant? Man, worst gen readers read or even discuss here only for some cool panels of microscaling. Of course, these kind of spoilers dont have anything 'interesting' to discuss. But as always, one piece flashbacks make people again realize how horrible OP world actually was/is. Just because SH crew is not the centre of this horrible world, doesn't mean everything is irrelevant. This flashback is far more relevant than scabbards shit.


I think after the robot destroyed, the encirclement, and Saturn being right next to everyone, that the escape might just have been foiled. If Saturn dies the marines retreat, Egghead falls into Straw Hat hands (along with the busted tech/Oharas library).

They already have to fight their way through Saturn and Kizaru, theres more than enough room for Saturns death. Especially since we have 4 other losers we need to beat. If he's serious about ending the series, this is a good way to get one of the Gorosei out of the way efficiently.
Dude there is no way any of the ending game villains going down right now. Even a fodder like Saturn.

Strawhats main goal is to protect Vegapunk and they need to escape for that. Their whole plan is based on that. Just like Whole Cake Island arc.


👑𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓟𝓲𝓻𝓪𝓽𝓮 𝓠𝓾𝓮𝓮𝓷👑
Idk why edgelords have this thing where they call dudes cucks for stepping up like this. It's not impressive or cool or manly to ignore a child in need just because they aren't yours. He loved Ginny and it's not like she cheated on him, she was fucking raped. It's impressive and noble that he raised Bonney as his own, not something to be embarrassed about. Some real fuckin edgy ass losers here I swear
Agreed, imagine actually making fun of the situation with Kuma and Ginny. We get it, you're super edgy and TooCoolForSchool(tm), but go be a moron elsewhere instead of spreading your slop here :beckmoji:
Ginny is a flashback character, her role is to literally add to the MC of the flashback. Nothing more or less. Also are we forgetting that Kuma is pretty much a punching bag in his flashback as well? The men aren’t doing that good either
The men do way better than the women in this manga.
Reminder that Hancock, for all the hype she got, looked like a toddler against BB.
Sure, he's a Yonko, but if Law could get a good hit in on him then why Hancock couldn't at least scratch him is beyond me.
And there's Yamato who's always brought up in this discussion, but even then she was just used for Oda's unusual Oden wank (seriously, imagine blowing a dead guy like that).
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