Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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- What am I projecting by mentioning what has literally happened in the chapter?
You would know if you would read. You lack self-awareness of what you wrote.

- What in this chapter changed anything about that theory? What does the marriage part change anything?
And again you failed to fucking read. Go back, read up the entire chain of replies.

- If Ginney had a child with whoever kidnapped her, when she was kidnapped mid-conversation about how much she loves Kuma, why would you, again, think she wasn't raped?
Now you are assuming shit because you do not read properly. It's impossible to discuss the topic if you don't pay attention to the discussion. Fix your reading comprehension.

:catsure: You got overly defensive for me stating the obvious.
I am pointing out your poor reading comprehension. "Defensive" doesn't fit the context.
You would know if you would read. You lack self-awareness of what you wrote.

And again you failed to fucking read. Go back, read up the entire chain of replies.

Now you are assuming shit because you do not read properly. It's impossible to discuss the topic if you don't pay attention to the discussion. Fix your reading comprehension.

I am pointing out your poor reading comprehension. "Defensive" doesn't fit the context.
:catsure:Way too rude for a projecting degenerate.
I didnt get the context, now I do. She still does not have the same focus as Kuma. This isnt even her flashback. The entire issue is centralized around Kuma

Like I said, her whole motivation is tied his past and why he did certain things. It doesnt "really" have to do with her as a character, it has to do with him specifically.
I mean, the crux of her conflict is getting revenge. Initially, that is targetted at Vegapunk. This past which she actively sought out gives her context to who is the actual cause for her father's suffering as well as how she came to be. I would say it very clearly has to do with he character and her motivations
None of this is new. It has been hinted at since Oda decided to first include enslavement in One Piece. Is it just that no one expected Oda to actually be this open about it or that people genuinely did not want to acknowledge it and thus preferred when it was mostly obscured so that it was easy to ignore.

Considering how close to the end we are Oda may be likely to lean more heavily in to these darker elements from now to the end. Though hopefully a bit less dark than this. This sought of heavy
This is surprisingly dark and that’s fine but the problem comes in when the momentary Darkness can’t be matched by the rest of the tone of the story

As less severe example of this is the end of Wano: People forget that 10000 Samurai fought for Orochi. Those are 10000 Wano citizens who has spent 26 years subjugating the rest of their fellow Wanonians and went on a life and rewatch fight to keep their status of subjugation over the rest of country… what happened to these 10000 samurai? Let’s say most of them died in the war, let’s say there’s 3000 of them left. Anha, what happened to these 3000 men?

Oda wants to have his darkness cake, the fact that there was an actual class structure in Wano separate from the Beast pirates that VERY MANY Wano citizens upheld and very many Wano citizens actively subjugated their fellow poorer citizens with no remorse… And Oda wants to eat the “feel good” reward as well of having the end of Wano COMPLETELY not address a single thing about this…

Oda’s inability to recognize and fully account for the darkness in his story is made fully manifest in Hiyori’a end speech of Wano Calling for the death of the Kurozumi showing the people of Wano and the story itself literally didn’t even acknowledge that this entire fiasco started because the Kurozumi were exterminated… Oda had to return later in an SBS to try and smooth this over WITHOUT addressing it after having been told by an editor what he just wrote

Oda is making this Ginny situation extra dark but it’s gonna eventually bump up against the general nature of One piece not actually being this dark and along the way there will be wires crossed once again like in Wano… I myself already have a problem with this Ginny situation because it makes Dragon and the revs look extremely bad and weak… and I’m sure there will be even more problems later on because of this
Sure it’s not a surprise but I think we are done with most of the shocking stuff in this flashback… Like what can be more shocking than this chapter

I think the obviousness of Kuma being turned into a cyborg because of a deal with a WG for Vegapunk to cure Bonney is warranted now… there’s been enough shock for a while now
The FB is most likely gonna continue in next chapter as well. We'll probably see how he became a warlord. Let's see what happens
The anti-admirals folks think admiral fans are desperately for claiming dragon as marine agenda but now they trash him.

You people never learn.

Watch dragon slaughter celestial dragons while trying to locate the kidnapper who is,holy knight. And holy knight pee his pant when see dragon aura.
I will believe it when I see it. Right now, Dragon is trash and on fraud watch.
You are clearly talking about yourself, but too retarded to realize.

You failed to read, you failed to address any of the points. Congratulations on your self-certification as a dumbass.
Yes, sure, most people randomly accurately guessed what had happened, they had a reason to, both by plot and Bonney's genes, but you're crying saying those are my fantasies and calling names for telling you.

Well, go off then. :catsure:
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