Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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I never suggested you did?

I quoted you... because I was responding to your statement.

That's how a forum works
I didnt get the context, now I do. She still does not have the same focus as Kuma. This isnt even her flashback. The entire issue is centralized around Kuma

Like I said, her whole motivation is tied his past and why he did certain things. It doesnt "really" have to do with her as a character, it has to do with him specifically.
Bonney is still mentally 12 years old, IMO.

Unless Vegapunk could speak coherently when he was a baby, since when Bonney regressed his age, Vegapunk still maintained his intellect.

Bonney's Fruit alters her physical age, IMO, not mental age.

SO, yeah, bad Oda, bad.
It's a year year fruit.
Everything is weird with this but 22 years old Bonney is 22 years old
You need to practice reading comprehension and follow along with the context of the conversation.

Instead of projecting your degenerate fantasies, first read what is being discussed. I was talking about a theory in the past with the context being before current chapter spoilers were released.

Without the information we currently have about the spoilers, there was no need to automatically assume rape, since nobody knew about marriage. In fact everyone assumed that it would have been done without marriage if it were forced and non-consensual.
- What am I projecting by mentioning what has literally happened in the chapter?
- What in this chapter changed anything about that theory? How does the marriage part change anything?
- If Ginney had a child with whoever kidnapped her, when she was kidnapped mid-conversation about how much she loves Kuma, why would you, again, think she wasn't raped?

:catsure: You got overly defensive for me stating the obvious.
I think i have a rough idea of some of the events.

12 years ago a CD ship was heading to Goa kingdom. Dragon, Kuma and Ivankov were in GK as well.
So im thinking Dragon went there to get some intel on Ginny's location, (and since she was the captain of eastern forces) he probably thought he could get some info there.
Probably planned to kidnap the CD to get the info.

But unfortunately it didn't pan out due to the Sabo incident. So he rescued sabo and healed him up to finally recruit him. The event in the current chapter must be after this imo.
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