Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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i think oda knows exactly what he wrote, thats why the sbs made sure to say "i wonder what will happen if the people of wano find out tama is a kurozumi... this hatred is still a big problem in our society" or whatever it was. it's clear that yes, hiyori meant just orochi, but the people of wano still took it like "all kurozumis". that's part of the story too. racism isnt erased that easily. the people of wano will still turn on her and try to execute a child if they find out.
Okay so what happened to the 10000 samurai whose families have been enjoying the wealth of the Orochi regime and have been torturing and murdering the rest of the Wano people

let’s say each samurai has a wife and 3 children… That’s 40000 people

If you think Oda is being intentional regarding his tone deafness regarding Hiyori, what does he think should happen with these 40000 people? You’re saying Oda wants to acknowledge the cycle of hatred actively and isn’t just ignoring it because he doesn’t know what to do with it…

Did momo Order that all the money and property of these 40000 people be stripped from them and all their samurai got sent to the labor camps and some even got executed? You think Oda thinks this is what he wants the readers to get from the end of Wano? Or does Oda want you to forget this was even a thing?
Fujitora going overboard a casting a meteorite on allies or civilians is a running gag, nothing else.

Yes, Garp is not an admiral and he would have been fired... or rather he would have left them like Dragon did, but unlike Dragon he was an influential hero so he would have had others following him.

Not being an admiral because he rejected the position and just leaving them alone doesn't really make him any better.
Of course not, I was stating there "reasons" for not doing anything.


Saturn said Buccaneer's purpose is live as slaves and die as slaves.
Kuma's family were caught only because they were Buccaneers.
Kuma rejected Ginny because he was Buccaneer.
Saturn mentioned that Kuma is last Buccaneer.
Don't think they will create another Buccaneer.
are you even reading the manga?

s-bear a clone of kuma who has buccaneer blood in him while also having lunarian blood added in his dna thanks to vegapunk...

just like every other clone they are clones of the original by using their own dna....
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