Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1098 Spoilers Discussion

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Not really? Look at the pervert's face, looking at Bonney eating like that.

Pretty creepy if you ask me.


Bonney went from depressed into happy state right after eating Sanji's food, even Luffy noticed and shown bothered with her change.
Just what did he put to the poor girl's food?
Inb4 oda pulling a timeskip to make bonney over 18 in order to get with sanji.


Throughout Heaven & Earth,I alone am d Honored One
Kuma's FB has been most tragic so far ..

WG took him as slave when he was just a child and was put in hunting competition....him belonging to special race could mean WG killed members of that race as well

While growing up he took others pain and faced it everyday like a chad ...Just to help others

His close friend Ginny got kidnapped, raped and he was unable to do anything

Met her after two years just to find out what really happened and she died in front of him because of illness leaving behind a child who acquired same illness

And, if this wasn't enough - because of some reason (possibly another tragic one) kuma became a tyrant and left RA to work for WG

Lost his memory with little bit of self awareness...became a slave again....with CD riding him at MJ for fun... getting tortured....

And, despite all of this, he still went out his way to help SHs at Sabody and even protected their ship for two years....

Honestly considering that Dragon couldn’t afford to try to break Ivankov out of Impel Down, I don’t think him not immediately saving Ginny is all that surprising or OOC. He’s definitely someone who puts the revolutionary cause before his own personal connections

Especially considering that the RA hadn’t gained much power or influence yet
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