Dragon is like a real world leader. Using cartoon logic on him would make him look like a fraud, but if you consider him a realistic character, he is a pretty smart character. Storming Mariejoa for Ginny would be retarded and he probably would lose all of the military troops he accumulated over the years, making him unable to fulfill his mission to overthrow the government.
Not doubting this part. I get the whole thing how in terms of a historical scale, the Revs are still a new faction. Wouldnt be surprised if their funding was awful either.
I would even assume they either were still or fresh out their baby stage, so to speak.
Personal issue I have with Dragon seems to come more with how Oda writes him than the Rev matter to him.
I get Oda is unpacking all the big players right now but there is a certain sense of understandable frustration from fans.
Maybe if Oda had shown more of Dragon doing shit, it wouldn't be such an issue.
I get where people come from that he seems like he is sitting around.
I also get with a world so huge as One Piece, a lot of things happen in the background of events. Time moves on for other characters outside their own focus.
But perhaps Oda could or should have a moment or two where it just said in some newspaper or such like:
"Dragon leading a assault on some major keypoint of the WG and clashed with an Admiral".
Folks maybe wouldnt have such in issue cause it actually shows his and I mean HIS movements and doing rev stuff.