Apparently the smartass you’re quoting has literally dedicated his life to hating Marine fans for some reason lol
No one is downplaying Garp in a powerlevel sense, only relatively to the Admirals (including Sengoku)
You know how it is with the “childish“ fandom
Kuzan literally fights like Garp, so downplaying Garp automatically downplays Kuzan, no one is that dumb even if they wanted to act like ome
About the thread, the GV incident is hella sus
How are you protecting all these guys on a manhunt when you’re supposed to be the dude who refused an Admiral rank to avoid dealing with Mariejois. That raises a shit ton of questions and makes Garp look like a pretty shitty written character lol
Oda has some explaining to do, better be good
Anyway, its funny seeing the double standards of the Admiral hating group come into play. As sweaty as it can get 😂
- I know bruhz, I've had my admiral vs yonko discussion with him already on his profile and in some other posts.
- Yea that's just disgusting to me, especially when it comes from "marine fans". I don't understand the obsessions people in our fandom have with the admirals > rest of the marines. It's like every damn thing has to center around them, lowkey... I ain't gone lie to you my boy... that shit be irkin me sometimes. But I be like.. iight I ain't tryna shit talk no admiral.
- True true
- He doesn't, Garp can't Ice people like Kuzan did to Garp as the 1st attack of the fight, and that requires solid Haki to get out of in the first place. Only person who imo fights like Garp is Luffy and now Koby. The former being a DF- Garp and the latter being a carbon copy. Kuzan's fighting style is just so much different than Garp. The closest person after Luffy/Koby would be Smoker, but that could lowkey be a reach too due to how much he incorporates the Jitte into his fighting style. After that would be Saka, rather I think Saka might be even more so than Smoker since no weapon is involved in his style of fighting and essentially Magma version of Garp's, but still not the same due to shit like awakening and etc. Leaving side the iceman is a cripple now. The idea of a crippled ex-marine top tier potentially the weakest, mid-diffing/low-diffing/high-diffing arguably the strongest marine to exist, who only recently started declining... yea is just not sitting right with me.
So yea the idea Garp has any reflection on Kuzan's powerlevel, I wholeheartedly disagree. Just like the notion Kuzan's powerlevel has any reflection on Saka's. Or Saka's is any reflection on Fuji's or GB's is any reflection on Fuji's.
But let's leave this alone since I don't want the entire fandom against me again like the previous Kuzan-Garp discussion.

I just don't see what exactly did this chapter do that was new?
-> He clearly states he has no interest in protecting the CD
-> He clearly states he warned them about not trying to mess with Rocks and that'd backfire
-> He got excited about being able to potentially fight Roger
He doesn't fuck with the CD, but still does shit that helps them? check
He's refusing higher ups when he feels like it? check
He's chasing after Roger regardless of the scenario? check
We saw him do the same shit against Roger during the Shiki incident. Shiki-Roger was going to clash which Kong wanted Sengoku to deal with, but this mf wanted to go himself due to Roger. The guy simply likes fighting against Roger, that's it.
We already know he's not some super good guy, he's not in the RA.
We already know the CD had slave auctions near Sabody, Garp knew about em... the Marines knew about em... did absolutely jackshit.
You think he doesn't know the CD tried getting Shirahoshi? Hasn't done jackshit about it.
I don't understand where this image of Garp being the good guy marine is coming from. His entire character is based on a typical military man who's dealing with issues that a military man of a corrupted government would deal with. Do I go against the government and abandon these people that I've fought alongside? Do I continue to do as much good as I can in the current system and just accepting things to be the way they are? I fail to see how this is bad writing... bro is making a top tier written conflicted character with beliefs that are hypocritical... aka he's making somebody who perfectly reflects our real people.
How many people do you know that preach morality and shit then go on about their daily lives, knowing very well there are millions of people starving, getting fucked over by criminals, getting done wrong by oppressive governments? I'd reckon majority of the people. And I ain't gone act like I'm any better, I'm here talking about morality, but I'm not out there trying to end conflicts and wars and trying to protect people.
How many soldiers do you think from Russia are evil or bad (or Ukraine if you think they were the ones in the wrong)? Probably not many, If so, why aren't they going against their governments (whichever you think is in the wrong)?
How many people do you think in the US military agreed with slavery back in the days? And how many of them do you think stood against it? Not even in the US, but in general civilizations that invaded and things like slavery.
These aren't copies of Garp's situation, but simply examples to illustrate my bigger point. Garp is representation of a military guy who had good individual moral values however, selectively applies them to how he sees fit. He's not Fujitora, and even when it comes to Fujitora. We know Fujitora helped free the slaves with the RA, but he was also drinking coffee up there with GB while knowing the slaves all around him that were getting tortured in CD homes for entertainment. Didn't do shit about it until the RA commanders came. Which leads to shit like
@Seth calling Fujitora a hypocrite.
I don't see how it destroys his character or makes him look like shit, since it just showed things we already knew and saw before. Maybe it's just me, but that's exactly why I like Garp's character. Especially when you add in the family drama and conflicts related to the family as a military man.
As for this whole issue with the "Dog" part.
The Admirals are CD dogs, and Garp is no exception either neither is Smoker, Hina, Koby, etc. It's just Fujitora, Garp, Smoker are the wilder dogs, they're still dogs of the CD tho. Like Zoro is Luffy's dog. Kuzan is Blackbeard's dog etc etc.
And I'm aware the yonko fandom slanders the admirals with that, and I've spoken against that plenty of times as you know already. However, slandering our own because of the idiocy of a foreign fandom, is just weird to me.