Questions & Mysteries Why is it said that Sanji is the fastest and Zoro is slow?

Where are Sanjino's speed feats?

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Everytime we got a direct comparison between Zoro and Sanji in term of speed the 2 characters are shown to be equals. There is no element ine the manga that show that Sanji is faster.

This misconception come from 2 things:

1/Sanji is a mobile fighter while Zoro is a static.
2/People have to give Sanji something above Zoro to make it seems that they are close in strength.
Attack Speed :
This stat is very important , and funnily enough Zoro's techniques are speed based attacks , they have a great attack speed starting from Rengoku Onigiri that blitzed agile and fast characters in Killer , King and even Yonko Kaido who tried to block it to not available .
to his fastest techniques in Iai Techniques that ended opponents in an extremely fast way that they couldn't find time to react and taking an example of that would be when Zoro moved fastly past Hybrid Drake to cut through Apoo and taking the antidote before even the former could finish his attack and realise what happened .

And with his strongest style , He created his own chance against Hybrid Kaido by overpowering and blitzing him .
Overall , Zoro's attack speed is very fast using his techniques for high commanders level or even Top Tiers as what we have seen so far and for more explanations you can read this thread below .
Post Time Skip Zoro attacks with Rengoku Onigiri and blitzes and defeats ES Powered Hyozo.
Keep on mind that Base Hyozo was fast and skilled enough to react and block Luffy's G2 Jet Pistol, and even counterattack it.

Zoro's improved Shi Shishi Sonson seems, again, nearly istantaneous against the Punk Hazard dragon.
The quickness and swiftness of Zoro jumping with Sanzensekai and cutting through Pica in their physical clash, seems very high as well.

Start of Wano Zoro rushes with Rengoku Onigiri and blitzes Killer. Mind that before Zoro used Rengoku Onigiri, Kamazo could exchange blows on par with two swords wielding Zoro, both were parrying and dodging their respective blows, so it's clear that Zoro increases his speed when he uses his named sword moves compared to when he simply moves or fights around.

The very second that he feels pissed, Onigashima Zoro effortlessy blitzes his fellow WG Supernova Apoo, with a Iai technique , so quick and precise that it also impresses a WG Supernova X Drake. Mind that the fact that Apoo was fighting Drake means nothing: previously Apoo could fend off and even dodge some casual attacks from both Zoro and Drake together, so if he could do that before, he could do the same as well later. It's just that Zoro started taking things seriously, compared to the completely casual behaviour he was having until he understood that he couldn't just stay there and play around and waste time.

Big Mom, propelled by Zeus, quickly closes on Luffy to attack him with Prometheus, taking advantage of Luffy's bad position, but before the attack can connect on Luffy, Zoro closes the distance with a dash and cuts through the incoming fire.

Later Zoro's Rengoku Onigiri connects on Kaido in spite of the Yonko actively trying to set up a block defense with his club. And in spite of Kaido already knowing about Zoro's extremely high attack power, from Big Mom's previous advertisement about absolutely needing to dodge Zoro's incoming attack (so it can be argued that Kaido didn't have his static tanking mindset anymore, not against Zoro at least), and in spite of Kaido even perfectly noticing the massive CoA haki that was going to be unleashed, Kaido still could not dodge the slashes originated by Zoro's O-Tatsumaki.
In Summary :
Zoro's Attack Speed Stat is Top Tier Level .

Reaction Speed :
Zoro got a crazy reaction speed , He showed a Top tier reaction level each time and we can list some of them :

> While Fighting Kamazou and Gyukimaru :
1/ he could block an attack coming from the fox while listening to hyori's scream for help so being OFF Guard .
2/ he could evade a point blank scythe attack while blocking Killer's attack .
3/ he could evade a sneak attack from Gyukimaru from behind mid battle in 2v1 but he still got pierced by Killer's scythe and he called that a lack of Skill .
4/ he could block Gyukimaru's attack while he also dealt with a sneak attack from Kawamastu mid air from behind , which means he improved his skills from his last fight against Killer and learnt his mistake , funnily enough we got a lot of fellas who still have these issues around and they are even top tier Like :
Top Tier Sky Splitter Luffy vs CP0 and Kaido , Post Udon Luffy vs Ulti and Page One .

During the Raid , he could react to Hakai before others , he outsped Law's moving finger to shambles ppl out there .

During King's Fight he reacted to his point blank explosion , his invisible speed , his punch after he took out his swords .
Zoro's awareness and his reaction speed coupled with his excellent observation haki makes him someone who rarely gets hit , even during King's fight he was injured either by getting overpowered in a clash or when he was distracted with his blades , but when he controlled enma King didn't get a single chance to land an attack on him and funnily enough he couldn't land it either on Pre Power Up Zoro when he was reassuring Sanji using DenDenMushi :
Zoro reacts in a way that he either blocks , evades , attacks , deflects an attack coming towards him and his agility helps him a lot in that with his excellent Observation Haki and his good awareness coupled with his improved skills ( learning from mistakes ) from the encounter against Killer .
In Summary :
Zoro's Reaction Speed is Top Tier Level .

Traveling and Mobility Speed :
This stat is also very important , and basically we are gonna divide it into :
1/ Short Mobility Speed :
Enlightened so many times by Oda with scenes where Zoro didn't need greater speed to overcome the threat, but Oda willingly gave him the feat to portray him as a speedster. For example, Zoro didn't need to move faster than Baroque Works members can see with a teleport-like effect, he could just overpower them, but Oda willingly chose to have him moving that way to show that Zoro excels in both power and mobility speed , but this is still by Pre Time Skip Standards what about Post Time skip Feats ?

Post Time Skip Sanji who is known to excel in the mobility speed stat with his walk moves only behind known Flyer Commanders Like King and Marco and exceptionally Gear 4th Luffy who have a Top Tier mobility Speed besides Sanji himself , Overall at that time He was still seen as fast as a fish man under water but Zoro surpassed that by his power burst in short distances .
Also when Roof Top Zoro showed a crazy mobility speed that he moved very fast to intercept Big Mom's Point Blank attack on a distracted Luffy , this is another Top Tier Feat of Reaction Speed coupled with a Peak Level of short mobility speed as for more details you can read it below ( thanks to @Cinera ) .
Vs Big Mom
After Kaido knocks Luffy down with Thunder Bagua, Big Mom hurries to blitz him with Heavenly Fire:
When she's about to make contact with Luffy, the Grandmaster begins his counterattack:
As we can see from this scan, there's considerable distance between Zoro and Big Mom/Luffy:
Faster than Big Mom or Luffy could perceive (let alone react), he blitzes Big Mom and cleaves Prometheus in two:
Prometheus is left temporarily unable to fuse back together:
Conclusion :
This is an amazing speed feat for Zoro. He blitzed a Yonkou in the middle of their attack from point blank range with a considerable starting distance. The Grandmaster's speed once again impresses. This is one of the best speed feats in the series given that Big Mom's reaction speed should scale to other top tiers especially Kaido who she clashed equally against in Onigashima .
Another Top Tier Short Mobility Speed Feat would be when Zoro moved very fast to rescue Luffy from Big Mom's attack after he just exited his Gear 4th mode .

2/ Long Mobility Speed :
While It seemed that Zoro is better than Post Time Skip Sanji in short mobility speed stat , The Third Son of Vinsmoke Judge still has his superiority over the Long Mobility Speed Stat per Feats but this doesn't mean Zoro is weak in that , he still rivals him in that stat especially when we talk with Feats around :

1/ Against Killer , Hyori appeared to be asking for help from a long distance as you can see in the first panel as she was just near a tree ; then she started running away approaching the first tree while Killer was right behind her mid air attacking her but he got blocked by Zoro ; conclusively Zoro moved very fast from the bridge to where Hyori stopped to block Killer's attack which shows how great his long mobility speed stat is .

2/ Wano Zoro got his own sky walk called Clear Lance ; he slashes the air which propels him to a greater distance it's a Nitoryu Technique .
In summary :
Zoro's traveling Speed is Top Tier Level either in Short Mobility Stat which he excels at or in Long Mobility where he rivals The Proficient Characters of this stat .
nope zoro didn't lose thank to perona
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That is not him saying he couldn't see Zoro's attack.....

He was surprised on how "easy" it was for Zoro to already "finish off" Hawkins....

Hence "Got him ALREADY!!" As in, that was way too easy, the fight just started and it's already over.....

That was why he was also surprised to see Hawkins was completely undamaged after the fact...

And if you look at the scene entirely, Luffy was standing in front of Hawkins, and Zoro attacked from the side when Hawkins was distracted by the giant lizard.... Luffy wasn't even looking at Zoro.... So it's not even feasible to think Luffy was talking about Zoro's attack speed, when he wasn't even looking at him when he launched a sneak attack from the side.
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Its the last thing Sanjifans cling to even when it never made sense.
Zoro pulls better reaction and speed feats than G2.
Zoro, out of all SH, has the fastest attacks.
Its the last thing Sanjifans cling to even when it never made sense.
Zoro pulls better reaction and speed feats than G2.
Zoro, out of all SH, has the fastest attacks.
Zoro has one off speed bursts that even Brook can mimic, and Brook couldn't keep up with Zoro and Ryuma's combat speed.

Those one offs are not indicative of how much a character can remain at a consistent level of speed.
All you brain dead fanboys deserving having to live being yourselves.

Oda evidently doesn't give a fuck about you battledome brainrot imbeciles that still haven't gathered how little he cares about the shit you obsess about - which, to remind you, is which fictional character is stronger. That's what your lives are. You are the people that care about these kind of things. It's somehow even more pathetic than shippers obsessing about fictional romances.