Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1100 Spoilers Discussion

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Yes Kuma probably covered Luffy ( and it's clear that Kuma knew about Luffy son of Dragon) but after Arlong Park and the first bounty ( with the D.) the WG didn't investigate about the son of Dragon and grandson of Garp with a rubber body and the D.? I know that Luffy wasn't famous ( the east blue is the weakest sea) but I'm perlexed :hope:
Maybe they sent Kuma but he always managed not to capture Luffy so as to save him, who knows
Ultra-nerf shich and weakest shich (vet level) while he defeated jimbo (stronger than current sanjino) and other shich, and tied agaisnt yamato
Dude we don't even know how strong the warlord Ace even beat was and he already on seas for 2 years .
Mind you luffy did all that shit at younger age and in less time .
this random ass warlord seems just to be another Moria a weak ass one who was enjoying his position until he got destroyed , like even Saturn isn't hyping him at all and No one was shocked for his defeat, I can see Ace beating Jinbei having more impact than beating this nameless mf where even Buggy can become one lol
- Why are we acting like the drums need to stay active at all points for it to even move?
- No, Kuma wants to BE like Nika lol, read bro:

Which is exactly what he goes on to do his entire life.

You are misinterpreting the scene to mean that Nika "needs" to save Bonney in this moment and not if or when Luffy fights Saturn later on in the arc. These 2 things do not have to be related.
Using wrong translations + completely ignoring the bottom section: Official Shounen Jump:

This is the hardest foreshadowing ever of Luffy freeing Bonney in that moment as she is literally captured in Saturn's hands and getting squished to death, the entire part in the clothes drying scene was her being confused by Luffy's G5 look and asking what it means to be "free", you'd have to be delusional to think this is referring to Kuma or the robot saving and freeing Bonney and not Luffy.
I also think so. Maybe Kizaru will have his second round but this guy sure will change his objection later on. No matter how determined Kizaru is about his mission, he's basically forced to kill the people dear to him. At the end, Kizaru is still a human and he's already mentally near his limit.

Saturn is very likely the bad guy in this arc but the question is if Saturn will even be defeated or not.
I do still think Luffy will end up fighting Kizaru through the arc's endgame, but I do see 2 wildly different takes on what might happen to Saturn:

- He is in fact the arc villain, in that Luffy will end up taking down Kizaru again (and/or he switches sides in the end) plus Saturn to bring this whole Kuma story fill circle (seems the FB is ending with Luffy/Kuma stuff anyway)

- Kuma ends up being a Strawhat with his dreams of liberation, and Saturn is, in the end, setup to be his endgame fight anyway.

The latter is just complete fan bias/cope/wishing but it would be pretty sweet nonethess. I do expect the first option to happen more now than not, regardless of how Kizaru is dealt with
Yes Kuma probably covered Luffy ( and it's clear that Kuma knew about Luffy son of Dragon) but after Arlong Park and the first bounty ( with the D.) the WG didn't investigate about the son of Dragon and grandson of Garp with a rubber body and the D.? I know that Luffy wasn't famous ( the east blue is the weakest sea) but I'm perlexed :hope:
Best to wait and see the reason since it could be another matter altogether cause no expected kuma here.
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