Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1100 Spoilers Discussion

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This shit reads like Oden flashback, why do we need reactions to cuck Kuma becoming warlord? What does that bring to the story of Egghead? It just wastes pages.

Also can't wait to find out how Oda will fuck up his story with WG probably knowing about Nika fruit all the way before chapter 1
He was ready to kill VP already
I don't particularly agree.

He could had VP killed, and he even outright stated to Luffy he didn't want too, but he had orders.
The theme with his justice is that Oda can make it work whenever he wants, and he is already building that, saying stuff to Bonney about not wanting to hurt more friends, and Oda humanizing Kizaru lately.

We will see.


Touch The Grass
Y'all know I'm a mihawk fan.
But what if Mihawk personally went to Luffy after WG asked him to?
But he reported he found no one , because of Zoro.
Rather he went to shanks to report it.
Live action I know ain't canon , mihawk went there from Marines (Garp order).
Point was Nika elimination that's why WSS was chosen to do so.
Mihawk observed Luffy in Marineford too and tried to personally intervene making it look like he's attacking him but actually saving him due to shanks request or something and once he arrived , mihawk left.
I just have one question, if WG knew from the beginning that Luffy was Nika, then why didn't they send an agent from the Cipher Pool, or an Admiral after Luffy?
You don't just become Warlord by being weak.
Either this former Warlord had great influence (like Buggy), took this position by other means or he was simply strong enough to get this position. Plus, I think this former Shichibukai sure will appear again. There's no way Oda's just dropping some nameless Warlord without elaborating who it is. It's like saying "Yeah, there was some random Yonko but he was defeated by Shanks" and never mentioning it again.
I mean they welcomed Buggy in the warlords.
Literally what you posted supports my point even more. Kuma WANTS to be like Nika, which is exactly what Im talking about.

The fuck did you even quote me for? Luffy defeating Saturn isnt even the point of the conversation, he just doesnt NEED to save Bonney right this second.
Wtf are you talking about? How about you stop reading fake translations, learn to read and read the official because Bonney did not ask "will you (Kuma) save me to?" she asked will he (Nika) save me to? Second of, that's even more stupid because there won't be another moment where Bonney needs freeing because after that Bonney will doing stuff in the background, instead of in the battlefield with Saturn so no that wouldn't work and yes he does need to save Bonney right this second, where's she's been captured by Saturn. Yeah, and neither is what was stated, both of those panels were hard foreshadowing Nika "freeing" "liberating" Bonney not Nika wannabe palms of liberation so idk what you're smoking
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