My bunny, ''the world'' is not racist, some
I'm sorry, but you live in wonderland.
The western world is systematically racist. That's a bias we can't escape unfortunately.
And you claim only black people are racialized, do you believe white people are not?
Where do I claim that? When I say "racialized people" I include all people that are racialized by other people in the western world, in short, all those who aren't white.
Again, you need to understand that "racialized" is a passive word that mean that somebody is seeing or describing you in a racialized way (as a black man or as a latino or as an asian etc.. )
Systemic racism is not just individual, its a system that we are all part of. Just like patriarchy.
This is why you must end the liberal view that we can end racism or sexism just by becoming less sexist or less racist ourself. No, we end sexism or racism by ending the system.
And mind you, the "system" is not something that is above or "out" of us. The system is US. I don't remember his name but there is a sociologist that made a great allegory of those system.
Instead of seeing systemic racism or patriarchy as something that is beyond our control, patriarchy and systemic racism should be seen as movement of a circular dance where people are adding one after the others. The movement is the system but WE are what make the system advance. This is why individualy stopping will not stop the dance. We must take down the entire system at once.
do you know how studies work? They take stuff like that into account. So taken into account race, the biggest predictor is education
What study ? We are not talking about study is. The question is how do you make the world a equal wealthy place in a world where people don't get access to the same education to begin with ?? If education is the first predicator then people should get access to the same education.. Still we can see that first not all public school hold the same standards and there are privates school. That without mentionning all the people who suffer from a lack of education to begin with..
See.. we can't.
To make the world a better place, we must first redistribute the ressource and create equility. In short give more to the poor and less to the rich.
And like I pointed out before, most millionaires are self made
That's a myth bro.
Your survey are bullshit in term of scientificity.
Econ is a sociology and any Econ PhD student I know would laugh at your clueless comment about startups.
i only made one comment about startup is that for one jackpot, you need to create thousands. Yes its a bit of an exageration but the reality is here. Becoming rich is just about luck and capital.
Also how tf did you insert wealth inequality and structures in a conversation about start ups?
You talked about startup, not me. We were talking about the myth of self made man.
Like you said. Stay on topic.