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Yeah. Actually I think that exchange was dehype for Keisha. I always thought he handled the Duke well but he lost a commander and the Duke was marching through Rihaku’s army up until he retreated himself and it didn't look like he had no plan for the next day though Keisha probably was just feeling out his oponnent given his personality and how he likes to fight.

What do you think would be needed to say the Duke wins it ?
Add Gaku Ka and Gyoku hou or add 20-40K of men?
Duke is so lethal that even a 10k unit acting as a distraction without engaging the battle might have done it

Elder Lee Hung

Conqueror of the Stars
@Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Owl Ki @RayanOO @FutureWarrior123 @Rumble etc

Just checking, do we think Duke Hyou was fighting a losing battle against Keisha during the coalition?

It was 40K vs 120K iirc with Rihaku, Mangoku, Kousonnryuu. Shin took Mangoku down and the Duke managed to get extremely close to Keisha as well.
I would need to reread but probably, probably not. I think it’s supposed to be ambiguous. Yes Keisha critted Duke Hyou immediately but so did Gokei and we saw how that turned out. Duke Hyou is a huge upset general so I’m not really convinced he still would’ve lost to Keisha but the fact that it’s ambiguous shows Keisha’s level.
@Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Owl Ki @RayanOO @FutureWarrior123 @Rumble etc

Just checking, do we think Duke Hyou was fighting a losing battle against Keisha during the coalition?

It was 40K vs 120K iirc with Rihaku, Mangoku, Kousonnryuu. Shin took Mangoku down and the Duke managed to get extremely close to Keisha as well.
Duke Hyou held off a 100K Wei army with just 10K for at least 4 days. No sweat.

At Kankoku Pass, he knew Kei Sha had laid a trap for him and elected to spring it to see what would happen. We know what did: Shin's innate talents awakened. Had that not happened, would Duke Hyou have been in an irreversible, unsavable position? I personally doubt it. Casualties would run high, but I would trust in the Duke's abilities to get himself out a sticky situation.

The numerical disadvantage doesn't help, but the Duke is the kind of menace that can descend upon the enemy HQ before they realise what's happening.

Duke Hyou is just an unreasonably tough out. Even for the likes of Ri Boku.
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I would need to reread but probably, probably not. I think it’s supposed to be ambiguous. Yes Keisha critted Duke Hyou immediately but so did Gokei and we saw how that turned out. Duke Hyou is a huge upset general so I’m not really convinced he still would’ve lost to Keisha but the fact that it’s ambiguous shows Keisha’s level.
Duke Hyou held off a 100K Wei army with just 10K for at least 4 days. No sweat.

At Kankoku Pass, he knew Kei Sha had laid a trap for him and elected to spring it to see what would happened. We know what did: Shin's innate talents awakened. Had that not happened, would Duke Hyou have been in an irreversible, unsavable position? I personally doubt it. Casualties would run high, but I would trust in the Duke's abilities to get himself out a sticky situation.

The numerical disadvantage doesn't help, but the Duke is the kind of menace that can descend upon the enemy HQ before they realise what's happening.

Duke Hyou is just an unreasonably tough out. Even for the likes of Ri Boku.
I have to agree. The Duke is one of those generals that does the unthinkable and despite how many disadvantages it felt like he'll get all the way to the enemy HQ and take Keisha’s head losing pretty much his entire army in the process
I have to agree. The Duke is one of those generals that does the unthinkable and despite how many disadvantages it felt like he'll get all the way to the enemy HQ and take Keisha’s head losing pretty much his entire army in the process
Duke Hyou is the true embodiment and apex of Instinctual Type warfare.

He's more than just a general. He's a calamity of war.

Anyone that runs into him just has to hope they can find a way to survive.
I wouldn't trust in his abilities with a very large army though.
The job will get done.

The rate of casualties may not be sustainable or worth it.

Duke Hyou is not the guy you tap for long, extended campaigns. He's more like the guy to start, push or finish a campaign as and when necessary.
Duke Hyou is the true embodiment and apex of Instinctual Type warfare.

He's more than just a general. He's a calamity of war.

Anyone that runs into him just has to hope they can find a way to survive.
Agreed mostly, but the Duke has a grievous weakness, big boys
If the Duke can’t beat his enemy in a duel he’s finished. Generals like Ouki, Renpa, Moubu or Kanmei secure a comfy win.
Agreed mostly, but the Duke has a grievous weakness, big boys
If the Duke can’t beat his enemy in a duel he’s finished. Generals like Ouki, Renpa, Moubu or Kanmei secure a comfy win.
I think it's worth accounting for Duke Hyou's advanced age.

In his prime, I can see him justifying as a high as a STR 98 (equal to Ou Ki, who imo should be 97), and that's without his weight.
@Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Owl Ki @RayanOO @FutureWarrior123 @Rumble etc

Just checking, do we think Duke Hyou was fighting a losing battle against Keisha during the coalition?

It was 40K vs 120K iirc with Rihaku, Mangoku, Kousonnryuu. Shin took Mangoku down and the Duke managed to get extremely close to Keisha as well.
In that first day, the Duke did fall for Keisha's "spider" tactic. Without Shin awakening his own insticts and personally making his move, the rear had been put in a very bad spot and Duke Hyou's army would have lost 20k men like Ten said. Given that it initially was 40k vs Zhao's 120k, this would have been a fatal blow.
"At this rate, the Duke Hyou army will be defeated right after the battle of Kankoku pass begins.".

But Duke Hyou is nonetheless a superior instictual to Keisha, like Riboku admitted. The difference between them was clearly evidenced when the Duke was able to read Riboku's origin tactic, which Keisha had outright failed to accomplish. Riboku, who previously considered Keisha to be the most terrifying instinctual commander, had to come back on his words and crowned Duke's feat as something unthinkable. He didn't even believe a strategic type would have been able to read that shit, let alone somebody with insticts.

The Duke reading that tactic has easily got to be one of the feats that most impressed Riboku in his entire career. Ousen cooking up a succesful plan in a literal few hours to deal with the untakeable Gyou, something Riboku said "to have never heard of", is another.
@Elder Lee Hung @SakazOuki @TheKnightOfTheSea @God Buggy @Owl Ki @RayanOO @FutureWarrior123 @Rumble etc

Just checking, do we think Duke Hyou was fighting a losing battle against Keisha during the coalition?

It was 40K vs 120K iirc with Rihaku, Mangoku, Kousonnryuu. Shin took Mangoku down and the Duke managed to get extremely close to Keisha as well.
It seems they were stalemated considering nothing of note happened after the initial engagement between their two armies when both sides lost 10,000 troops and Zhao lost Mangoku. Keisha started off with an army 3x the Duke's one so he definitely had the better odds in his favour for a battle of attrition but as I recall, Duke held off Gohoumei's Army of 100,000 with a 10x numbers disadvantage for an period of time.

I think if the Duke could have pulled something off to kill Keisha, he would have already done it during the battle.
Speaking of the Duke...

It's past time for Duke Ri Shin to be born.

The man is already a general. He is still years of experience removed from becoming a Great General, but there should still be cause for rewards leading up to that. I imagine we will see his command grow to 50K quicker than the last command increment took (about 3 years).

Shin should already be a fairly high ranking noble by now.

I think he becomes a Duke next.
@Elder Lee Hung @Blackbeard @God Buggy @Shanks @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @SakazOuki @Shanks

Those lips don't lie. I have found Ouki's long lost Soviet descendant. :risicheck:
Behold Boris Shaposhnikov, Marshall of the Soviet Union and winner of the Most Impressive Peckers Award for three decades running. Ouki's genes still going strong. 💪
Seriously, edit Ouki's beard onto this fella and we might have a good contender for best live action Ouki. :risitameh:
@Elder Lee Hung @Blackbeard @God Buggy @Shanks @TheKnightOfTheSea @FutureWarrior123 @SakazOuki @Shanks

Those lips don't lie. I have found Ouki's long lost Soviet descendant. :risicheck:
Behold Boris Shaposhnikov, Marshall of the Soviet Union and winner of the Most Impressive Peckers Award for three decades running. Ouki's genes still going strong. 💪
Seriously, edit Ouki's beard onto this fella and we might have a good contender for best live action Ouki. :risitameh:
“Nfu nfu bring me zeez nuclear heads”
I still call BS that YTW erased the MF that stalled Bajio equally especially after his portrayal later in the same arc and then YTW playing the damsel
Don't see whats the problem with that.

She was always potrayed as an insanely skilled warrior. Later she had to be saved, because she was forced to fight waves of enemies for God knows how long.
Don't see whats the problem with that.

She was always potrayed as an insanely skilled warrior. Later she had to be saved, because she was forced to fight waves of enemies for God knows how long.
Well. Same for Bajio who might have been in a worse state. I guess Heki couldn't have shined had YTW taken Rozo's head.