Future Events Who else will come to Wano ?

Wano arc is one of the arcs who has already the most important amount of important players and of the strongest characters inside it right after Marineford arc with most of the Worst Generation, Two Yonkos and their crews (or rather a portion of it in Big Mom's case) the former followers of Kozuki Oden, the samurais of Wano, the mink tribe and at least some of the Whitebeard Pirates being present in the arc.

And it may not be the end with other major players or strong characters coming to Wano later in the arc as well. Many on this forum (me included) believe that the marines will eventually come too, some that the Grand Fleet or at least a portion of it will arrive to Wano and others are speculated to come such as Weevil or the CP0.

So in your opinion whose additionnal characters or crews or organisations will find their way to Wano and add their degree of salt or spice in the story ? Who do you think is/are sure to come ?
The Marines will be involved despite Sakazuki's protests.

This is also a perfect moment for the Strawhat Fleet to arrive and assist their leader. Their cover stories have been concluded for some time, it makes you wonder if that is their next course of action.

Other than that, it is hard to predict who else will be involved in Wano. Weevil is definitely not coming. He probably has other plans of his own or don't know where Wano is without his mother. Blackbeard will be too busy looking for whatever weapon the WG has in their position than bothering with a fellow Yonkou.
I'd like to see Smoker and Tashigi again just for the sake of them being in the spotlight again. We haven't seen them since they were supposed to have linked up with Vegapunk because of the kids almost 200 chapters ago, they could've done that by now ... right ... ? They're some of my favorite marines.
We will probably see them during the Vegapunk mini arc
On topic , I think the marines will come led by Ryokugyu. Imo Wano war is a good place for his debut
I have some guesses:

- Koby + Hancock (unorthodox teamup) and some other Sword members.
- CP-0, to support Orochi in some way (by using him) if he's still alive
- Vivi, if the Sai took her as tragedy befell her father at the Reverie. Sai, using Luffy's Vivre card, brings Vivi to Luffy at her request.
- Former WB or Roger pirates
- Other former Rocks pirates

Other than this, I don't see much else joining the war to some capacity. Blackbeard and the Marines look busy fighting over something (totally Pluton), and other than this Sabo is MIA dealing with Kuma related stuff most likely.
If Oda really keep up his word of making mf looks cute then yes there should be another player coming. Remember the marine had 100k soldier in mf and wb had so many allies (i dont remember the number). And there was also BBP and RHP present aswell. Curently wano is still far from that number. So if he really wants to make mf looks cute then in my opinion they need to have :
1. Grand fleet (to keep up a bit Wb's allies in mf)
2. Some revos (ivankov and inazuma was in mf)
3. Marine definitely (1 or 2 admiral) and cp0 + SSG
4. Other BMP instead of only a ship
5. Ex sichibukai (Weevil, Handcock, and please please please Crocodile lol)
6. All 11 SN present.

Weevil, Greenbull, Ssg and CP0 definitely should present as we are close to the end of the manga and they haven't properly introduced. It will be too late if not now i think.

But then good luck for Oda to make enough screentime for everyone lol.