What do you want to see in the finale? If you want a lore dump that explains lore: the void century, grand line, celestial dragons, etc., then I think you'll get that but I think One Piece is past the point of no return of a good ending. Let me explain. The ending of One Piece MUST be a battle between Luffy and a Big Bad. A good ending will require a good villain but that is no longer possible.
The best villain would have been Blackbeard, and he might be the final big bad, but he's underdeveloped because he's been absent for most of the story. I would have wanted to see the SHs fight with Blackbeard over the polygliffs and develop rivalries between the crew members and develop a counter worldview for Blackbeard that would challenge Luffy's worldview. But instead OP has been filler after filler and even if Oda tries to build up BB, which it seems like he is, then it'll be too little too late.
The other option is Imu as the final big bad but he has the exact same problem as Blackbeard and that problem is that he has been missing for most of the story. This is the Kaguya problem.
It seems like Oda has decided to turn the CD into mustache twerking Saturday morning cartoon villains: they like slavery, rape, genocide, everything bad in life, etc. so that Luffy can topple them and save the world. Some folks will like this ending. I don't and by making the CD so evil, Oda has lost the ability to write any plot twist. Lastly, just like with Naurto, Oda has betrayed his themes because destiny (will of the D) contradicts freedom.
The best villain would have been Blackbeard, and he might be the final big bad, but he's underdeveloped because he's been absent for most of the story. I would have wanted to see the SHs fight with Blackbeard over the polygliffs and develop rivalries between the crew members and develop a counter worldview for Blackbeard that would challenge Luffy's worldview. But instead OP has been filler after filler and even if Oda tries to build up BB, which it seems like he is, then it'll be too little too late.
The other option is Imu as the final big bad but he has the exact same problem as Blackbeard and that problem is that he has been missing for most of the story. This is the Kaguya problem.
It seems like Oda has decided to turn the CD into mustache twerking Saturday morning cartoon villains: they like slavery, rape, genocide, everything bad in life, etc. so that Luffy can topple them and save the world. Some folks will like this ending. I don't and by making the CD so evil, Oda has lost the ability to write any plot twist. Lastly, just like with Naurto, Oda has betrayed his themes because destiny (will of the D) contradicts freedom.
CD being cartoonically evil is not a problem, One Piece is a cartoon before anything. But there is always a swerve from cartoony to deathly serious, no ?
And for the destiny stuff... Yeah that's where I start having doubts and fear lol. But for that also, I think a swerve is coming. I think Luffy will be hit with all that prophecy bullshit, and instead of accepting it or embracing it like Naruto did... will react Luffy's style. The plot also will twist Luffy's style. And we'll laugh like Roger did, and be ready for a great ending : )
Luffy's final ennemy won't be BB or Imu, it will be his destiny, because that's really what is a threat to his freedom.
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