[FNZ] Super Role Madness World Of Warcraft: Legion

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Argonauts, roll out!
scum become top posters late game if they are winning. early game its usually town
That game begs to differ, but this is a game to game thing, it's not a predestined thing either way.

The tendency might be as you say, that scum tends to lay low early and get increasingly more active, but this is not guaranteed - and no matter how you spin it, it's not really a valid game solving strategy.

It can be, based on what the person in question is saying with the few posts that they have, and also their pattern of voting and reacting to events happening.


Red Night

Chise and Joseph
I'm not sure we will find anything from lore at this point. It's too complex. Unless we have an expert(nerd) we can trust in to explain from A to Z.
Do not think this is sensible, you have no idea which mechanics Fuji has included around that alignment.

Not really liking what you’re cooking so far pal!
Yeah, there could be an Indie targetting them specifically for all we know. I‘m fine with just the three, the others can claim when they‘re in danger kek.


The End and the Beginning
The position of leaving them unclaimed is silly, and favours scum - by forcing scum to lie early we can at least start working towards a common PoE, their wincon isn't my wincon
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