JJK 247: The Decisive Battle in the Unhabited, Demon-Infested Shinjuku 19


funny you also called limitless shitty when you’re arguing for Sukuna to use it w/out 6E while Sukuna had to steal a 15yo body to use their CT to bypass infinity and have an actual shot at beating him…

once again you must’ve missed the point where Himgurumas growth rate for CE/CT is dwarfing Sukunas an awakened sorcerer who’s only been practicing the skill for 3 months compared to someone who’s been doing it for years and years where one was compared to the other by the other themselves.

you’re missing points and discussion to feed into your own baseless assumptions on something that Sukuna would be unable to do even with Sukuna having about 3-4x more CE reserves than GoatJo he was only able to last as long as GoatJo was able to with those reserves in fact he lasted less than GoatJo did without limitless and 6E which is constantly destroying his brain… Sukuna would die trying to use limitless cause he doesn’t have the efficiency to maintain it hence why you need not only the six eyes but also RCT to actual tame and maintain it and you constantly have to be using it.

Goatjo exerted more in that fight than Sukuna did and outlasted him, the only reason Sukuna is able to actually use his CT at the moment is cause he had to fully finish his transformation back to himself, it’s not cause he was in a “weaker” body of Megumi it’s simply cause he doesn’t have mastery over jujutsu the same way GoatJo does. It’s that simple. Higurama understood just as much as Sukuna did in the fight of Sukuna v GoatJo by simply being a bystander.

Then went onto a monologue about GoatJo being done then didn’t even know his own shitty ass limit and bled much more than GoatJo did due to a few seconds of being exposed to Unlimited Void and you think Sukuna can take a constant spree of brain damage from using limitless…. Laughable asf….

then following this Sukuna kept getting bodied in a 3on1 vs a one armed GoatJo….

Sukuna can not handle Limitless without 6E that is evident.

you do also realize GoatJo is fully and completely aware of his brain damage it’s how and why he had to consistently repair himself with RCT - this was even explained by the students as they understand limitless and the burden GoatJo bears with that CT… here I’ll even show you the panel of them discussing it and Shoko the one who’s the closest to GoatJo out of them all clearly outlines him repairing his brain directly, since you seem to not actually read the manga:

if you’re going to actually reference the manga at least know what you’re actually talking about…

Lol that’s not how he intended to deal with limitless, he used and needed Mahoraga to show him a way to actually deal with it it’s how and why he needed Mahoraga to adapt to it not just once but twice as the first adaptation he was unable to copy and he had to figure out a way to bypass it a second time and got luck Mahoraga showed him to slash space and time itself and not Goatjo.

Read the manga for once and stop focusing on the fight panels.

gg try again.
Kashimo: sukuna s ce efficiency is godlike
Sukuna will never run out of ce idiot
Getting hit by infinit void is different than using limitless idk why u even bring that dumbass
Ik it sucks that there s people that can use that mid ass ability without special eyes
It maks ur fav look like shit
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funny you also called limitless shitty when you’re arguing for Sukuna to use it w/out 6E while Sukuna had to steal a 15yo body to use their CT to bypass infinity and have an actual shot at beating him…
"I wouldnt won even if he didnt have 10s"
"He held back"
Cope all you want fraudjo fan
Sukuna at 50 shit on gojo


Kashimo: sukuna s ce efficiency is godlike
Sukuna will never run out of ce idiot
Getting hit by infinit void is different than using limitless idk why u even bring that dumbass
Ik it sucks that there s people that can use that mid ass ability without special eyes
It maks ur fav look like shit
yet limitless directly effects ones brain which Sukuna couldn’t even hang after 10s of it, while he also repaired his CE/brain less than GoatJo did but was effected at the same time dumbass…. you really don’t read the manga do you?

& he can run out of CE it was evidently proven after GoatJo wore his ass out to the point he couldn’t use RCT or his CT at all and it’s how Bumshimo was able to even tag him to begin with.

that midass ability proves to be too much for your favorite character that he had to use megumi and Mahoraga to actually contend with him.

once again if Sukuna couldn’t hang after being hit by UV for 10s then he won’t be able to use limitless cause he would fry his brain without 6E and the RCT to sustain it.

& GoatJo is far from my favorite that title belongs to Yuki, btw then followed by Hakari, Mei Mei, Megumi and Uraume…GoatJo isn’t even in my top 5, top 10 maybe.
"I wouldnt won even if he didnt have 10s"
"He held back"
Cope all you want fraudjo fan
Sukuna at 50 shit on gojo
Yeah definitely words he didn’t actually say but I can for sure show you what Sukuna said about GoatJo and that midass ability which was without Mahoraga he would’ve never been able to bypass limitless:

you’re just a typical shounen fangirl who wanks every overpowered character and think they’re some sort of immovable object. news flash Sukuna couldn’t bypass that midass technique without using Mahoraga the most broken CT in the verse to actual beat GoatJo, the guy you call a fraud.
yet limitless directly effects ones brain which Sukuna couldn’t even hang after 10s of it, while he also repaired his CE/brain less than GoatJo did but was effected at the same time dumbass…. you really don’t read the manga do you?

& he can run out of CE it was evidently proven after GoatJo wore his ass out to the point he couldn’t use RCT or his CT at all and it’s how Bumshimo was able to even tag him to begin with.

that midass ability proves to be too much for your favorite character that he had to use megumi and Mahoraga to actually contend with him.

once again if Sukuna couldn’t hang after being hit by UV for 10s then he won’t be able to use limitless cause he would fry his brain without 6E and the RCT to sustain it.

& GoatJo is far from my favorite that title belongs to Yuki, btw then followed by Hakari, Mei Mei, Megumi and Uraume…GoatJo isn’t even in my top 5, top 10 maybe.

Yeah definitely words he didn’t actually say but I can for sure show you what Sukuna said about GoatJo and that midass ability which was without Mahoraga he would’ve never been able to bypass limitless:

you’re just a typical shounen fangirl who wanks every overpowered character and think they’re some sort of immovable object. news flash Sukuna couldn’t bypass that midass technique without using Mahoraga the most broken CT in the verse to actual beat GoatJo, the guy you call a fraud.
Sukuna with true form would destroy fraudjo in the domain battles,bro held back so he can get past infinity
Talking about wanking overpowered characters when u stan go/jo stfu dawg

Iinfinity void is an ability of the domain dumbass it has nothing to do with limitless frying ur brain by just using it
Gojo said so he doesnt fry his brain he uses rct
Dawg told you u can t read


Sukuna with true form would destroy fraudjo in the domain battles,bro held back so he can get past infinity
Talking about wanking overpowered characters when u stan go/jo stfu dawg

Iinfinity void is an ability of the domain dumbass it has nothing to do with limitless frying ur brain by just using it
Gojo said so he doesnt fry his brain he uses rct
Dawg told you u can t read
gosh you sound so dumb, for sake of this argument since you’re not that smart anyone can essentially use limitless without 6E but it is only a GoatJo family inherited technique. Without 6E they can probably only use base blue and not anywhere close to the degree in which we have seen Satoru use it.

Infinity is the technique that GoatJo uses at all times which is frying his brain the anti system to this is 6E with RCT that is used to negate the disadvantages. Like ffs it was explained in this season of the anime and early on in the manga during flashback then Shoko further explained it again during their fight how fucking stupid are you ?

frying your brain is a fucking drawback of using infinity:Limitless -

Goatjo is specifically talking about using limitless and its drawback of having. His brain fried.

maybe you’ll stfu now about something you don’t even understand - here once again Shoko and GoatJo talk about how infinity and limitless are frying his brain when activated:

why else would he just randomly being constantly using RCT for fun, now stfu cause you don’t even understand the CT or JJK to begin with.

the overuse of the excuse Sukuna was holding back cause he needed to bypass infinity - no he was unable to use any other technique cause it would’ve done absolutely nothing to Goatjo it’s why he had to bypass infinity that has been well established by your own daddy Sukuna saying so.

I do like how you’ve ignored points in my previous point cause you realized you were wrong.

gg try again
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the reason why Goatjo is so proficient in using Limitless so well is Six Eyes due to GoatJo being able to decipher and manipulate CE at an atomic level that in which not even Sukuna can use nor can Kashimo and the reason why he’s so proficient at using both simultaneously without frying his brain is due to efficiency in minimizing CE and RCT usage.
L thinks Sukuna can use limitless freely without 6E and him or someone else rumble thinks Yuji will get limitless and be able to use it without 6E cause of Kenchan idk some stupid baseless fanboy nonsense
Bruh, you're using pet names for your faves. It's a bit rich for you to accuse anyone of being a fanboy.

That's also not what I think. I have no working theory on what abilities Yuji will or won't possess by whatever method.

This disagreement has been on what the material rules out as possible for Yuji. The facts are on my side now as they were at the beginning.

To be clear, I am not yet convinced Gojo stays dead, and less so that the Six Eyes will not be relevant going forward, but neither is explicitly tied to Yuji.
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You cannot heal damage from infinity void with rct also sukuna had used 3 times rct burnout
You can heal ur brain when using limitless
Ur dumb bro
you’re so fucking illiterate and it shows in this response.

gg you proved yourself wrong with your own post…

funny though you chose to quote and respond to one part of my post.

nt nt
you’re so fucking illiterate and it shows in this response.

gg you proved yourself wrong with your own post…

funny though you chose to quote and respond to one part of my post.

nt nt
Gege: limitless is difficult to use and requires sophisticated manipulation of cursed energy

Sukuna and higurma can use it easily since their skill with ct is on par with fraudjo
No need for pathetic 6 eyes
Gaejofan ur dumb and dont know shit:suresure:
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Gege: limitless is difficult to use and requires sophisticated manipulation of cursed energy

Sukuna and higurma can use it easily since their skill with ct is on par with fraudjo
No need for pathetic 6 eyes
Gaejofan ur dumb and dont know shit:suresure:
I’m pretty sure even kinyagi would agree with me on how stupid and wrong you are…. even Herrera thinks you’re dumb for this argument and nika has agreed with me.

not a single soul has agreed with you here.

& I said the only ones who could possibly use limitless without 6E would possibly be Takaba due to his own CT and Higurumas due to his growth rate and it would be a future version of higuruma not the current, which has been a sorcerer and fully understands after years of experience. Sukuna is already at his peak. Heian, Meguna or Yukuna whatever version you want to use can never use limitless to the extent GoatJo has been able to wield it, more so cause 6E is a trait to the GoatJo clan specifically which is what gives one mastery over Limitless, not their overall skill level.

here is an overview of 6E and limitless for you so you can study and come back with some actual knowledge…
6E Wiki
I’m pretty sure even kinyagi would agree with me on how stupid and wrong you are…. even Herrera thinks you’re dumb for this argument and nika has agreed with me.

not a single soul has agreed with you here.

& I said the only ones who could possibly use limitless without 6E would possibly be Takaba due to his own CT and Higurumas due to his growth rate and it would be a future version of higuruma not the current, which has been a sorcerer and fully understands after years of experience. Sukuna is already at his peak. Heian, Meguna or Yukuna whatever version you want to use can never use limitless to the extent GoatJo has been able to wield it, more so cause 6E is a trait to the GoatJo clan specifically which is what gives one mastery over Limitless, not their overall skill level.

here is an overview of 6E and limitless for you so you can study and come back with some actual knowledge…
6E Wiki
Gojo said it sukuna s skill is on his level and that was about ct usage
Limitless needs good manipulation of cursed energy
There are other limitless users without 6 eyes
Kashimo on sukuna manipulating ce "he s god like"

Pretend to be shocked that other gaejo fans dont agree with sukuna casually using limitless because he built different and doesnt need special eyes:suresure:

The man that can learn things instantly :kayneshrug:
I’m pretty sure even kinyagi would agree with me on how stupid and wrong you are…. even Herrera thinks you’re dumb for this argument and nika has agreed with me.

not a single soul has agreed with you here.

& I said the only ones who could possibly use limitless without 6E would possibly be Takaba due to his own CT and Higurumas due to his growth rate and it would be a future version of higuruma not the current, which has been a sorcerer and fully understands after years of experience. Sukuna is already at his peak. Heian, Meguna or Yukuna whatever version you want to use can never use limitless to the extent GoatJo has been able to wield it, more so cause 6E is a trait to the GoatJo clan specifically which is what gives one mastery over Limitless, not their overall skill level.

here is an overview of 6E and limitless for you so you can study and come back with some actual knowledge…
6E Wiki
Yeah @L57 is being retarded.

I think what he is trying to say (being generous) but utterly failing at is that Sukuna can affect space with his CT (world slash) which kinda mimics limitless in the same way that his high-pressure water manipulation with CE kinda mimics piercing blood.

Gojo said it sukuna s skill is on his level and that was about ct usage
Limitless needs good manipulation of cursed energy
There are other limitless users without 6 eyes
Kashimo on sukuna manipulating ce "he s god like"

Pretend to be shocked that other gaejo fans dont agree with sukuna casually using limitless because he built different and doesnt need special eyes:suresure:

The man that can learn things instantly :kayneshrug:
Limitless is an inhereted technique my guy.

Yeah @L57 is being retarded.

I think what he is trying to say (being generous) but utterly failing at is that Sukuna can affect space with his CT (world slash) which kinda mimics limitless in the same way that his high-pressure water manipulation with CE kinda mimics piercing blood.

Limitless is an inhereted technique my guy.

So was 10s
What im saying is if sukuna uses a vessel with limitless he can easily uses it
Stick to op ur dumb as a rock
So was 10s
What im saying is if sukuna uses a host with limitless he can easily uses it
Stick to op ur dumb as a rock

He could use it if he inhabited another body for sure, but he wouldn't be as good as a 6E user can be.

Sukuna's efficiency is god-like and close to 0, but Gojo's was negative (below the natural rate of CE replenishment) so Sukuna wouldn't be able to keep infinity on 24/7 like him.

He could use it if he inhabited another body for sure, but he wouldn't be as good as a 6E user can be.

Sukuna's efficiency is god-like and close to 0, but Gojo's was negative (below the natural rate of CE replenishment) so Sukuna wouldn't be able to keep infinity on 24/7 like him.
Sukuna makes up with the double amount of ce above yuta s
God like efficiency + that amount
Sukuna basically never gonna run out of ce