Its sounds arrogant I concede, but its factual. I'm always the one who needs to bring scientific articles to debunk most of the things that are said here. Simply because no one else is doing the job. People who should be fighting with me like Toby are just insulting them while insulting me along the way and people who have the power like you only find fitting to "try" to deligitimize what I'm saying.
So I'm mostly alone doing the job of recontextualization and debunking
Well.. most people who post here are either far rightist, liberals or apolitic so the majority of what is said here is bonkers. I say "you guyz" because I won't take the time to quote all the names one by one, its too much to ask
Oh nice! I see that you are finally adopting the current strategy of the far right: copying the left in its critics of the apolitical/liberal power in place in order to push leftist ideas outside of the admissible spectrum (as liberals will most likely follow the call of rightist than those who are fighting them in the first place).
Smart, very smart. Let's see if the staff will follow you there..
Oh ! Another technique of manipulation. This time its the rewriting of history. The goal being to twist history just close enough to the truth that it will be recieved without questionning.
I actually never said that not liking Carrot was the same as denying civil rights to african american or that black poster were racists.
What I actually said is that the Mink were just like anyother non human races in One Piece oppressed by the gov. And that therefore denigrating and deligitimizing this race (as it was done in this thread multiple times) based on the fact that they are partanimals was an act of legitimation of the act of the oppressive gov and therefore an act of racism.
It might be a fictive race, the way we treat and see fictionnal characters will be most of the time similar with the way we see and treat real people. Even when this is a black person deligitimizing and denigrating a fictional race.
It happens a lot in other places on different subjects but I'm rarely proven wrong here mate, and when it happens I always take the courage to admit it, contrary to 99% of the posters here (
@Bisoromi Bear excluded)
Buut keep the false allegations going, it keeps me busy. hehehehe
I'm not a saint, never was, never will be.
I'm just trying to do better.
Its the only difference between me and you.