Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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Tbh I didn't expect Kizaru to betray Saturn so quickly, but I still expect his inner conflict to play a part at some point.
Some are already jumping to conclusion with Kizaru in this chapter, thinking that him attacking the SHs means he will not betray Saturn.

Most knew that if Kizaru does betray Saturn it won't happen that quickly, there is also that possibility that Kizaru will indirectly betray Saturn by helping Vegapunk and the others to escape instead of directly betraying him.

Kizaruber Eats

Left with no reason, we come undone
Kizaru didn't turn.

The Uber eats meme is officially dead :josad:

Was fun though

Oda won't let me and fellow believers have a good thing for once! Oda too scared to write some actual character development and nuance for once! /s

Fuck man, just when I was enjoying One Piece again too....Oh well this chapter might still slap anyway ofc! Sigh. At least Kuma is getting a major W whilst that lasted, that is most important!


For me Lucci is a type of character that has set up for redemption. Like, why bring him back to the main story just to make he be the same character? When oda brought back crocodile, he made us look him in a new way. Maybe he sacrificing himself to save kaku's life idk
Thats a great point! I had hoped for that too with his reappearance but his determination to go after Robin again just made me roll my eyes and be like "ah shit here we go again". To be cynical, he could have brought back Lucci just for the fanservice but as you said, he's giving such new prespectives on the likes of Sir Crocodile as well Mihawk and Buggy too, If Lucci sacrifices himself to help Robin or at least Kaku or something, I'll legit be sad for him regardless. I'll definitely respect him a lot more too. I can see Hattori and Kaku legit being upset if he dies too. A very sad, profound moment for them.

お前がよく尋ねる年寄りのことなんだけど… 彼はあまり調子がよくない



Ive dropped this, saturday

Foul Legacy


お前がよく尋ねる年寄りのことなんだけど… 彼はあまり調子がよくない



Ive dropped this, saturday
Yea how about translating it to us.
The fact that Kizaru now attacks the good guys should disregard the notion that he is on their side... but that's an evident misdirection

Because it’s obvious that Kizaru is the one who brought the food to Luffy, just look at the different positions where Kizaru is shown before and after the food scene
Seems really like Dressrosa Fujitora's weird behaviour, just for different reasons
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