Spoiler One Piece Chapter 1104 Spoilers Discussion

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Lol y'all still on this "Kizaru was holding back so it's okay he lost to Luffy" thing?
Even though he still beat up Sentomaru and tried to kill Bonney?
He could have killed Sentomaru but chose to just KO him.

For Bonney Kizaru literally says "please dont make me hurt more people than I have to" before punting her out of the dome.

And the thing is too, when you go back through the arc and look at moments like Kizaru somehow "missing" Vegapunk's shuttle, it's pretty clear he's been waffling this entire time.

This isn't even really an agenda at this point, Oda is kind of bashing us over the head with it.
Bro what showings proves Saturn is physically weak?

Having normal durability doesn't mean you're physically weak so show the evidence or stop arguing.

The time has come. Prove it or stop
You're the one glazing his physical strength.

Piercing a Pacifista's body is base straight out of timeskip Zoro level, and that's the only feat you can quote.

Can you prove your claim?
You're the one glazing his physical strength.

Piercing a Pacifista's body is base straight out of timeskip Zoro level, and that's the only feat you can quote.

Can you prove your claim?
Kumas not a pacifista and I did prove my claim.

You're ignoring the proof while looking stupid. Reread my comments for your answer. I mentioned examples from the manga already to prove that durability does not equal physical strength. You're just stupid

I guess garp is physically weak because axe hand Morgan stabbed him or dadan beat him up till blood came out

Or whitbeard being stabbed by squard
Redboya you stood with us during the last 12 hours of fake spoilers, thank u for the service
I never believe them, just spoiler provider adding their own agenda for likes. lanji is lanji, he is being used as hypetool again this chapter since he cant stop light speed kizaru and his attack did nothing to saturne, oda is likely planning an heroic entrance for luffy &zoro once the greatmaster is not there yet and luffy vanished.
You're the one glazing his physical strength.

Piercing a Pacifista's body is base straight out of timeskip Zoro level, and that's the only feat you can quote.

Can you prove your claim?
It seem people like BM and Kaido warp people minds with durability and physical strength.
Like there hax was durability you can't judge other characters from that and they will have there own haxs.
When even some of the strongest people series can get hurt from normal sword and gun attacks if Oda wants .
Hell you had garp bleeding from dadan hits from the club and she million miles from his level lol.
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