General & Others Among The 5 who gets the most HATE?


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World's Strongest Swordsman
false equivalence
would be more apt to say he isnt a warlord .

good chunk of the fanbase dont think kaido is/was the strongest
good chunk of the fanbase dont think wb was the strongest in marineford
good chunk of the fanbase will argue mihawk is the strongest or one of the strongest characters alive.

titles of strength have never and will never be universally accepted . deal with it .

shameless . stop acting like a victim. mihawk is a polarizing character , big mom is a hated one. unpopular and trash .
That's a false equivalence.

Everyone accepts primebeard being wsm.
Old sick wb who can't use haki HIMSELF said he wasn't wsm

Kaidos debate was there was never a wsc title
No one ever said such and such a creature was stronger

Mihawk has swordsman put above him
Mihawk has a former swordsman rival who mihawk is the only person shanks fought to get where he is put above him

Mihawk title is superior to any title because IT IS THE DREAM OF A MAIN cast

So unless you gonna argue zoro has a fake dream then yeah mihawk is the most hated
That's a false equivalence.

Everyone accepts primebeard being wsm.
Old sick wb who can't use haki HIMSELF said he wasn't wsm

Kaidos debate was there was never a wsc title
No one ever said such and such a creature was stronger
Not everyone does
roger was sick is a notable counter argument .
old beard was canonically introduced as the wsm . he never said he wasnt the wsm . he said he wont be the strongest forever. means completely different things.

Kaidos debate was there was never a wsc title
No one ever said such and such a creature was stronger

such and such creature???? humans are creatures....... and people have claimed other humans were stronger.
vivrecards comfirmed his title
kidd /killer said he was the strongest
zoro said he was too
anyone still going on about the whether his title exist is full of shit . its quite clear it did .

Mihawk has swordsman put above him
Mihawk has a former swordsman rival who mihawk is the only person shanks fought to get where he is put above him
a bunch of people dont think shanks is a swordsman so what.......
if a bunch of people didnt think kaido was the strongest creature would that make him one of the most hated characters in this list?
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The question isn't who has the least fanbase.
The question is who gets the most hate.

If the question was former, Big Mom likely was the answer. For the question in OP, answer is Mihawk followed by Sanji
I answered the question perfectly fine , your comprehension needs work.
seems you were able to comprehend the first half of the point while ignoring the other
big mom is not only popular but she is also incredibly disliked..

the two youve mentioned , mihawk and sanji are polarizing because they also receive a fair amount of positive feedback generally. with big mom its mostly just negative because there is barely any positive response . you cant in one vain argue these are some of the most popular/loved characters and then imply they receive the most hate .
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World's Strongest Swordsman
Not everyone does
roger was sick is a notable counter argument .
old beard was canonically introduced as the wsm . he never said he wasnt the wsm . he said he wont be the strongest forever. means completely different things.

such and such creature???? humans are creatures....... and people have claimed other humans were stronger.
vivrecards comfirmed his title
kidd /killer said he was the strongest
zoro said he was too
anyone still going on about the whether his title exist is full of shit . its quite clear it did .

a bunch of people dont think shanks is a swordsman so what.......
if a bunch of people didnt think kaido was the strongest creature would that make him one of the most hated characters in this list?
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I answered the question perfectly fine , your comprehension needs work.
seems you were able to comprehend the first half of the point while ignoring the other
big mom is not only popular but she is also incredibly disliked..

the two youve mentioned , mihawk and sanji are polarizing because they also receive a fair amount of positive feedback generally. with big mom its mostly just negative because there is barely any positive response . you cant in one vain argue these are some of the most popular/loved characters and then imply they receive the most hate .
There's reasons to be disliked. Meme and kidd are two people we have seen everything from and they were big let downs.
They are hated due to failure.
That is not real hate. That is hate because they did not live up to expectation.
Mihawk doesn't even get that chance
Why are you insulting me schizo? Even Zoro haters here agree him and Mihawk probably hates most hate (they just say it's deserved).

Compare the number of Mihawk slander threads to Sanji slander threats here in the past few months and it becomes even more obvious.

It's funny you mention chapter discussion. Most of the thread was Zoro slander, and Sanji fans wanking up kicking Saturn.

But just a look at your post history reveals the unhinged scumbag you are:

Entire history filled with deranged zoro hate and schizo posts. Rent free

At least a lot of zoro haters here can agree he gets some of the biggest hate in the forum. You aren't even honest for that.
Is praising Sanji is automatic hate zoro? I never commented any retarded stuff about zoro. Never said he is weak or not strong or anything. I hate lunatic Zorotards like you, who think kid zoro was stronger than current Sanji. Only comment that be construed as hate for zoro is wishing oda kills him off. Not because I hate the character, I hate zoro suckeres. Just because you are zorotard you don't have to put down Sanji on every possible step and diminish whatever he accomplishes.
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That's a false equivalence.

Everyone accepts primebeard being wsm.
Old sick wb who can't use haki HIMSELF said he wasn't wsm

Kaidos debate was there was never a wsc title
No one ever said such and such a creature was stronger

Mihawk has swordsman put above him
Mihawk has a former swordsman rival who mihawk is the only person shanks fought to get where he is put above him

Mihawk title is superior to any title because IT IS THE DREAM OF A MAIN cast

So unless you gonna argue zoro has a fake dream then yeah mihawk is the most hated
Nice logical "consistency" you have there. Zoro gets some hate so zoro gets most/all hate. Good argument. I have nothing to say. It's the dream of a deutorogonist. Luffy's goal has highest priority and zoro himself put Luffy's dream above himself.
Is praising Sanji is automatic hate zoro? I never commented any retarded stuff about zoro.
Funny cause all I see on your post history is hating on Zoro, insulting and cursing Zoro fans.

But the delusion is expected from a schizo like you.

I hate lunatic Zorotards like you, who think kid zoro was stronger than current Sanji.
I hate zoro suckeres. Just because you are zorotard you don't have to put down Sanji on every possible step and diminish whatever he accomplishes.
What is schizo rambling about? :kaidowhat::nicagesmile::milaugh:

Log off, go meet some psychiatrist and seek mental help.


World's Strongest Swordsman
You should just write touch grass in this cases.

Just to talk about the hate Sanji gets, for a simple thread about Sanji fighting someone, after this forum tolerated years of ZKK (any K) look at the level of hate sanji gets
Why is it hate to say sanji can't fight top tiers ?

You acting like people like you didn't say zoros only fight in wano would be denjiro and he wouldn't even see kaido

Zoro fought kaido zoro cut kaido zoro zoro scarred kaido
Just because he didn't kill him doesn't make you right
Why is it hate to say sanji can't fight top tiers ?

You acting like people like you didn't say zoros only fight in wano would be denjiro and he wouldn't even see kaido

Zoro fought kaido zoro cut kaido zoro zoro scarred kaido
Just because he didn't kill him doesn't make you right
Stop projecting, you are talking about someone else, not me. I wasn't even in the forum.

I was actually persuaded that Zoro would kill Kaido after Luffy defeated him.
So take your imaginary battle you have with me somewhere else.

And since you brought up ZKK, you and your fellow zealots kept spamming that even after rooftop, how is that not derangement.


World's Strongest Swordsman
Stop projecting, you are talking about someone else, not me. I wasn't even in the forum.

I was actually persuaded that Zoro would kill Kaido after Luffy defeated him.
So take your imaginary battle you have with me somewhere else.

And since you brought up ZKK, you and your fellow zealots kept spamming that even after rooftop, how is that not derangement.
You've just debunked yourself.

How can zkk A THEORY be a negative when zoro WHEN MOSTLY EVERYONE SAID HE WOULDNT SEE KAIDO fought cut and scarred kaido and he himself said he came to onigashima to slice kaido to pieces.

Zkk wasn't made on the roof
Zkk was said YEARS BEFORE
You've just debunked yourself.

How can zkk A THEORY be a negative when zoro WHEN MOSTLY EVERYONE SAID HE WOULDNT SEE KAIDO fought cut and scarred kaido and he himself said he came to onigashima to slice kaido to pieces.

Zkk wasn't made on the roof
Zkk was said YEARS BEFORE
Are you retarded?
Who are you quoting?
Why are you talking to me about other people?
Kid obviously. Why?

He ruins too many agendas,is a self-made character and is hated on all social media.

The most popular one being anything Zoro related.

We saw here on this forum during wano, threads created daily by Eustass Kidd haters(Zoro fans mostly), Why?. The reason is obvious. Starting all the way back from udon prison. The numerous direct parallels with luffy and being one of the few characters in one piece history to take down a yonko. The massive gap in bounties. Oda calling the commander fights meaningless as well. I understand lol.

Then we have Law fans. We've recently seen Law fans pushing this agenda that he carried the fight vs big mom. The funny thing is, this agenda never even started from Law fans lol. It started from Zoro fans. Why did zoro fans start it? Because they know if they push that agenda, they can always claim zoro will be strongest swordsman eos, therefore it would be Zoro>Law>kid.

Most Law fans are chill, but there are some that have actually accepted and tried pushing this agenda. Obviously, that isn't the case, we can go panel by panel and see Kidd starting the fight solo, tanking more attacks and and getting the finishing blow, etc... Another aspect with the Law fans, is the difference in relationship between luffy and law and Luffy and Kidd. It's evidently clear that there is a difference in the way Oda portrays them. There are law fans that believe in the law is next wb agenda lol. There is far more proof for Kidd being the next wb, from the numerous parallels throughout the story in his relationship with luffy and even recently in the wano fight in the anime. Law is completely subservient to Luffy now. On the other hand, I think its very possible we could see Luffy/Kidd fighting at elbaf, probably over something related to Shanks..There is no scenario where law would ever fight vs luffy. To add onto to this, Law doesn't have conq while Luffy/Kidd are the only supernovas with devil fruit awakenings+conquerors haki.

Now because of all of this Big Mom is downplayed a ton. The same will happen to any character Kidd fights against. Can you imagine what this forum would look like if it was Zoro/Sanji fighting big mom and Law/Kidd fighting Queen and Kidd? Lmao

And to add onto all of this. Hes a self-made character. He wasn't destined to reach where he is now, he doesn't have any god fruits, he doesnt have legendary blades, he didn't have any legendary mentors, he doesn't have legendary family members etc...He's only reached this point because of his strong will and trust in his crew. Thats why Oda gave him conquerors. The supernova most deserving of conq.

And then we have the drones of fans that follow anything their favorite twitter/yt user says. Don't think there are any big youtubers that support the eustass agenda, same with the spoilers providers, which makes sense since 100% of them are shanks,zoro or luffy fans. All of them are against the character. Which is fine, this will just make his comeback even greater.