false equivalence
would be more apt to say he isnt a warlord .
good chunk of the fanbase dont think kaido is/was the strongest
good chunk of the fanbase dont think wb was the strongest in marineford
good chunk of the fanbase will argue mihawk is the strongest or one of the strongest characters alive.
titles of strength have never and will never be universally accepted . deal with it .
shameless . stop acting like a victim. mihawk is a polarizing character , big mom is a hated one. unpopular and trash .
would be more apt to say he isnt a warlord .
good chunk of the fanbase dont think kaido is/was the strongest
good chunk of the fanbase dont think wb was the strongest in marineford
good chunk of the fanbase will argue mihawk is the strongest or one of the strongest characters alive.
titles of strength have never and will never be universally accepted . deal with it .
shameless . stop acting like a victim. mihawk is a polarizing character , big mom is a hated one. unpopular and trash .
Everyone accepts primebeard being wsm.
Old sick wb who can't use haki HIMSELF said he wasn't wsm
Kaidos debate was there was never a wsc title
No one ever said such and such a creature was stronger
Mihawk has swordsman put above him
Mihawk has a former swordsman rival who mihawk is the only person shanks fought to get where he is put above him
Mihawk title is superior to any title because IT IS THE DREAM OF A MAIN cast
So unless you gonna argue zoro has a fake dream then yeah mihawk is the most hated